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What To Do When Your Cat Runs Away?

What To Do When Your Cat Runs Away

Whether they escape from the house or don’t come back for a couple days, it can be very frightening when your cat runs away. Your mind will likely skip to all the worst case possibilities. It is important that you know what to do when your cat runs aways, so that you can act fast and get your cat back home where they belong. We have decided to compile a list of the most important things you should do when your cat runs away. By following this protocol, there is a very high chance you and your cat will be reunited. 

What to do when your cat runs away?

Here is what to do when your cat runs away:

  1. Collar

You should check in and outside your house for any signs of your cat’s collar. If you can’t find it, that is a good sign because it means that your cat is most likely wearing it. This will greatly increase the chances of your cat being found, as strangers will easily be able to contact you if they find your cat. We strongly recommend all cat owners to get collars for their cats. Make sure to keep the address and phone number updated if they change. 

  1. Check with neighbors

A high percentage of cats will run away to a nearby neighbor’s house. There are usually two reasons for this. The neighbor has either been feeding them, or your cat has gone there to play with their pet if they have one. We usually tell our readers that it is best to tell your neighbors not to feed your cat, because it may cause them to lose their sense of home with you and they may be more encouraged to stay with your neighbors. Playing with their cat is totally fine, just make sure that they get along and do not fight. 

  1. Food

One great thing to do when your cat runs away is to put out food in your front or back yard. You shouldn’t put dry food, because the stench is not very strong and your cat will likely not be lured back by it. Instead, we recommend putting out a really stinky food, such as tuna or wet meat. Heating up the wet cat food can help the stench carry further. If you do this, just make sure to monitor that other animals don’t come take the food. 

  1. Social media

Another thing you should certainly do when your cat runs away is to post on social media. Thousands of lost cats are found every year thanks to social media. Apps like facebook are great because your friends can share your post to get the message out to more people. Just a couple of shares can spread your post to an audience of thousands of people 

  1. Flyer

Your next step should be to make a flyer that has a picture of your cat that ran away. Make sure that the picture is as recent as possible. You should include as many details about your cat as possible. Make sure to put your phone number and email address on the flyer. You can incentivize people by adding a reward to anyone who finds your cat. 

  1. Call Animal Shelter

If you still have no luck in finding your cat, you should reach out to your local animal shelter. There is a chance your cat was found by someone and delivered to them. 

How to prevent your cat from running away

Below are some easy ways to prevent your cat from running away:

Spay or neuter

Spaying a female cat or neutering a male cat our great ways to prevent them from running away. If cats look for a sexual partner, they may travel for miles to find the right mate. This can put your cat in a lot of danger, and greatly increases the chances of them getting lost and not returning home. 


A great way to prevent your cat from running away is to provide them with a lot of toys at home. Toys will keep them engaged and satisfied with your house, and they will probably have more of an incentive to not run away. It is also important to frequently play and interact with your cat so they feel loved. 


It is essential that your cat always has enough food and water so that they don’t have the urge to run away. A cat that isn’t fed enough will run away to look for other food sources. As natural hunters, cats will seek out their own food if you don’t provide them with enough. 

Gps Collar

There are a couple different companies that have produced gps collars for cat’s. These collars cost a lot less than having a location chip inserted into your cat. These collars are great because you can track your cat’s location if they ever run away. 

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