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Labradoodle Temperament with Cats

Labradoodle Temperament with Cats

Most people are aware of the saying “to fight like cats and dogs.” Well, the debate and experiments about the co-existence of cats and dogs have varied results. The breed of dog also plays a big role in whether or not a dog gets along with a cat. In today’s article, we will discuss how to help your Labradoodle co-exist with your cat.

Do labradoodles get along with cats?

In general, most Labradoodles will get along with a cat. They are designer dogs and a mix between Labradors and Poodles. Both of these breeds tend to get along with cats, which is why it is not surprising that Labradoodles also have a good temperament with cats.

How to help a Labradoodle get along with your cat

1. Introduce Them in a Controlled Environment:

The first interaction is the most important one as it will leave a long-lasting impression on both pet’s minds. This is why it should happen in a controlled environment where both pets have a safe space to retract back. Ideally, have one person responsible for each animal to separate them if needed.

This is an important step to ensure that both the pets do not get injured in the process. If you have opted for Labradoodle rescues, then you have to keep in mind the dog’s past before you try to introduce it to the cat. A dog that has been abandoned may not find it easy to adjust to another pet as it may need all your attention. You need to work harder to make this combination work.

2. Do Not Leave Them Alone:

Till you are sure that your pets get along well, it is not advisable to leave them alone in the company of each other. This may take a few months, but you cannot take chances. You never know in your absence how your pets will behave and unintentionally or intentionally injure the other. 

3. Stay Calm:

Remember, your pets can sense your tension; hence you need to calm yourself down before any interactions. You do not want to pass on your apprehensive energy to your pets. Cool down, get confident, and then introduce your pets. 

4. Interact with Both the Pets the Right Way:

Cats are independent pets, and dogs are pack animals. Both have different expectations from their humans. While a cat may be ok if you leave it alone, a dog will want to be around you all the time. Learn each animal’s characteristics and temperament and give them the needed attention so that you do not neglect any of them. If your cat starts to bite your feet, it is a sign that he/she is nervous, and you should separate the two if this happens.

5. Let the Relationship Grown Naturally:

The relationship between the cat and the dog will need time to grow. They are different species; hence, you cannot expect them to love each other on the very first day. In fact, they may learn to coexist with time, but that does not mean there is a surety that they can become close. They may co-exist without bothering each other, and you need to be ok with that.

6. Do Not Commit till Unsure:

You must prioritize the needs of your current pet before getting a new pet home. If you have a pet already, do not commit to another pet till you feel that it can co-exist. You do not want your pet to feel forced or neglected if you go ahead and adopt a new pet.

The Bottom Line:

If you already have a cat at home and researching to get the appropriate dog breed that will get along with your cat, you have landed on the right dog breed. Labradoodles are adorable family dogs, good for allergic people as they shed less and get along with other pets. The adjustment may not happen the very first day, but with time, your Labradoodle will form a bond with your cat, and they will happily co-exist.

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