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Can a Cat Get Caught in a Dog Proof Trap

Can a cat get caught in a dog proof trap

Dog proof traps are a new innovation that are becoming very popular on the market. While traps in the past were dangerous to put in areas with domestic pets, the new design makes it 100% dog proof. This is because the new design doesn’t release from being knocked over or pushed (behaviors that used to trigger the traps on dogs). These new designs make it extremely easy to catch raccoons and possums. This can be very beneficial, especially if raccoons have been tearing up your farmland or terrorizing your animals. 

Can a cat get caught in a dog proof trap

No, it is very unlikely that a cat can get caught in a dog proof trap. This is because in order for an animal to get caught in the trap, they must stick their hand or paw down into the trap to grab the bait. Cat’s usually use their mouth when reaching for bait, and their head will obviously not fit down the trap hole. They also don’t have the flexibility to stick their paw down the hole deep enough to trigger the trap. Only animals with small paws/hand that they use to reach for things can be caught in the dog proof trap. This mean other animals such as foxes or wolves also cannot be caught in the traps. 

How do dog proof traps work?

Dog proof traps work by setting bait inside a long cylinder hole. Once the racoon or possum reaches their hand down the cylinder and grab the bait, the trap triggers and it clasps onto the racoon’s foot. Since the racoon’s foot becomes trapped inside the cylinder, there is now way for them to reach their hand to get it out. This means they can’t bite through the trap to get to their trapped hand. 

How to make a trap cat safe

While dog proof traps are essentially safe for cats, there is always the 1% chance that something goes wrong and your cat somehow gets caught. This is because cats are various curious animals, and while it is not natural for them to stick out their paws to grab things, they might get creative, especially if they are hungry. For this reason, we recommend putting food in the trap that is desirable for racoons and not for cats. A great option is to put something sweet, like marshmallows into your trap. This smell is very attractive for racoons and opossums, but not so much for cats. 

How to set up a dog proof trap?

When setting up your dog proof trap, remember to never stick your own fingers down the cylinder hole. We recommend attaching a cotton ball or something else to a stick, and then inserting it down the whole in order to trigger the trap to make sure it works. 

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