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How to Collect a Urine Sample from a Cat?

how to get a urine sample from a cat

When the vet asks you to bring your cat’s urine sample, a few questions come to your mind. The first one is why they ask for a urine sample, and the second one is how to get the urine sample? Cat’s urine can help vets know a lot of things about their health.

Some cat owners find it challenging to collect the sample, but here we’ll share some tips to make the sample collection process easier for you. So, don’t go anyway and read this article till the end.

How to Get a Urine Sample from a Cat – Some Valuable Tips

Yes, it can be a daunting task to get the urine sample, but the following tips can make the process straightforward.

The key to getting a urine sample form your cat is to get non-absorbing cat litter, a pipette, and a collection tube.

To get a urine sample from your cat:

  • Get a special urine collection kit and make the sample collection easier at home.
  • Clean the litter tray properly and ensure that you rinse and dry it completely.
  • Get a non-absorbing cat litter and sprinkle it in a litter tray. This will allow the urine to sit on top of the litter. After that, place the tray in the normal position. This practice can be helpful, especially if you have more than one cat. More importantly, it will ensure that you get the urine sample from the correct cat.
  • Don’t sit near the litter tray and give your cat time and space to use the litter tray normally.
  • Ensure that you remove the feces from the litter tray immediately. Otherwise, they’ll contaminate the sample.
  • When a cat urinates in the litter tray, use the urine collection kit to collect the sample. Usually they come with a pipette that can be used to “pick up” the urine.
  • After collecting the sample, take it to the vet immediately for reliable and correct results.
  • If the vet isn’t available, you can put it in the fridge and bring it on the next day but ensure that the sample is tested within 24 hours. More delays can affect the accuracy of the result.

Best non absorbent cat litter for urine sample

The best non-absorbent cat litter for a urine sample is Kit4Kat litter sand and the PawCheck Cat Litter for Urine Collection.

Both of these litters will cause your cat’s urine to sit at the top of the litter. They also both come with a pipette and a small tube for the collection.

Best Cat Urine Collection Kit

The best cat urine collection kit is KIT4CAT Cat Urine Collection Kit. It comes with all the necessary tools: a collection pipette and a collection vial to put the urine in. Best of all it comes with a special hydrophobic sand, non absorbing cat litter. This makes the urine sit on the top of the litter, and makes for easy collection. You can buy it on amazon for around $15.

What Do You Need for Collecting a Urine Sample from a Cat?

Some pet owners think they need to purchase fancy and expensive equipment for sample collection. But it’s not the case. Ensure that you have a non-absorbing cat litter, a pipette, a clean and sealable container. Moreover, you need a glass jar, and it should be washed out, rinsed, and dried completely.

How Much Urine Sample Do You Need to Collect?

There is no specific answer to this question because it depends on the vet. If they only want to perform a few tests, 1-2mls is enough. If the sample is needed to be sent to an external laboratory, then a larger urine sample will be required, and the vet will let you know the exact quantity.

Why do vets need urine samples from cats?

Vets usually ask for a urine sample from your cat when they want to diagnose an illness or disease. It is common for vets to ask for a urine sample when they want to diagnose kidney disease in cats.

Your vet might also ask for a urine sample if they suspect your cat has thyroid disease.

Is It Possible to Make a Cat Pee On Demand?

Unfortunately, it’s not in your control because they don’t pee on someone’s command. Cats pee in private or use the bathroom. Moreover, they can hold their urine for a long time. But some cats have a specific schedule for eating and urinating, and if it’s the case with your kitten, then it’s easy to collect the sample.

When your cat goes towards the litter box, follow your cat and place a clean container between the legs to get the sample, but it will not be an easy task. The best practice is to use a shallow container to collect a sample because it will not disturb the cat while peeing. One thing is clear that cat will not pee on command or demand, so you’ll have to wait to get the sample.

What to Do When You Are Unable to Collect the Urine Sample?  

Sometimes, cats don’t cooperate, and you can’t collect the urine sample even after following the tips mentioned above; what will you do? Don’t worry; you can set an appointment with your nearby lab attendant. They’ll collect the sample by cystocentisis. It’s a process of inserting a needle into the bladder to collect a sample.

When the sample is collected in this way, there will be no need to worry about contamination. It means you’ll be able to get accurate and reliable results.

No doubt, it can be painful for cats, but you’ll have to go this way if you are unable to collect a sample by using the tips mentioned above. Ensure that you keep your cat away from the litter box for at least two hours when you get an appointment.

Is It Possible to Prevent Your Cat from Urinating at Least a Few Hours before Vet’s Visit?

Yes, it’s possible, but for this, you need to follow the below-given tips:

  • Keep your cats in the bathroom and provide them with food and water.
  • Ensure that there is no litter box in the bathroom.
  • Block their visit to the litter box at least a few hours before the visit to the vet.
  • When the cat’s bladder is full, the vet team will be able to collect a fresh sample.
  • Remember, all the tricks can make your cat stressed, and it’s not a good practice. Make sure that you collect the sample as soon as possible and don’t change their routine for too long.

Final Words

Many cat owners want to know how to collect a urine sample from a cat. Therefore, we have tried to answer this question according to the best of our knowledge. After following all the tips we have mentioned in this guide, you can make the process easier. Finally, if you’re unable to collect the sample, don’t do silly things and set an appointment with the veterinary team for sample collection.

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