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Best Food to Trap Feral Cats?

Best Food to Trap Feral Cat

Feral cats are usually very hard to catch. This is because they almost always fear humans and prefer to live their lives independently. Most feral cats become independent by the age of one, which is one of the main reasons they avoid human contact. That being said, it is common for feral cats to group together and form small gangs that live and hunt together

There are many reasons why you might want to catch a feral cat. Maybe you want to adopt the cat, or you think the cat needs medical attention. It is very important that you approach a feral cat very cautiously, as they might reach out to attack you if they feel threatened.

While some people are able to trap feral cats in person by themselves, the most common ways to trap a feral cat is to use a cat trap. In order to attract the cat, you must put some food in the trap to lure the feral cat inside. Now you might be wondering what sort of food you should put in the trap. This article covers the best types of food your should use to trap a feral cat.

Best food to trap feral cat:

Luckily for those trying to trap a feral cat, cats that live in the wild have a very large appetite and will eat almost anything they can get their paws on. However, there are some types of food that we have found that work best for trapping a feral cat. Some people say that a way to the heart is through the stomach, and the same can be said for feral cats. Here is what you can use to trap a feral cat.

1.    Chicken:

Cat’s bodies are made so that they need a lot of protein to stay healthy. Cat’s typically get this protein through meat. Due to its strong source of protein, chicken is a great way to get a feral cat’s attention.

Chicken can improve the health of the cat in many ways, including promoting healthy digestion and improving their fur health.

2.    Canned mackerel:

Mackerel is a type of fish that contains many dietary fibers and vitamins that are beneficial for a cat’s health. Also, canned mackerel has a very strong smell that will attract a feral cat from very far away. Since mackerel can go bad quickly, you should not keep it out for longer than 24 hours before replacing it.

3.    Beef:

Beef is also a great way to get a feral cat’s attention, as it smells and tastes delicious. Cats are bound to fall for something like this and make their way to you. As beef is also meat, it also has many benefits like chicken that can improve the cat’s overall health.

4.    Turkey:

Turkey is also beneficial for cats as they share similar health benefits as chicken and beef. While wild cats typically don’t eat wild turkeys in the wild, they are still very attracted to the taste and smell.

5.    Jarred baby food:

While it may lacks some of the key vitamins required for a cat’s diet, feral cats can also be attracted to baby food. I would only try using baby food for a feral cat if they weren’t attracted to any of the foods listed above.


As most feral cats live in poor conditions have a short lifespan, it can be very tempting to catch a feral. However, I only recommend trapping a feral cat if you are sure the feral cat is separated from their mother or a pack of other feral cats. Additionally, I advise only catching a feral that that is 1 year old or less, as older feral cats rarely become domesticated. If you are trying to catch a feral cat, I hope this article gave you some food ideas!

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