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Why Does My Cat Kick Herself In The Face?

Why Does My Cat Kick Herself In The Face

Cats are adorable and irresistible. I can spend my whole day sitting beside my cat. If you watch a cat for a long period of time, you will probably notice them doing some strange behavior that leaves you scratching your head. One such behavior might be that your cat kicks herself in the face.

IF you notice that your cat frequently kicks herself in the face, you might wonder if there is something wrong. In today’s article, I will discuss the main reasons why cats kick themselves in the face, and whether or not you should be worried.

Why Does My Cat Kick Herself In The Face?

The main reason you cat kicks herself in the face is because of defense mechanisms, reflexes, playful attitude, and parasites.

The only one you should be concerned about is parasites.

Defense Mechanism

Before cats were domesticated and lived in the wild, they had to hunt for their food. One of the ways they trapped their prey was biting down on them, and using their back legs to kick the animal. While domesticated cats no longer have to hunt their food, they still have a defense mechanism of kicking.

Since the natural instinct is to kick near their face (where the prey would be), they sometimes kick themselves on the face by accident.

Natural Reflexes

Reflexes are involuntary muscle movements. Both humans and cats have plenty of natural reflexes. Hence, one of the reasons cats kick themselves in the face is because it is a reflex.

This reflex usually occurs when a cat is laying on their side. Due to the nerve endings in their muscle, certain positions might cause muscles to be activated accidently. This can sometimes cause your cat to accidently kick themselves in the face. Usually your cat will only kicker herself in the face once or twice if it is caused by a natural reflex.

Cat’s Playful Attitude

Sometimes, a cat will do just about anything to get your attention. Therefore, a cat that is bored or wants to play might also kick herself in her face. If you have multiple cats, on cat might kick herself in the face to get the attention of the other cat(s).

If you suspect your cat is bored or wants to play, you should try to give her more attention on a daily basis. I suggest that you play with your cat for at least 30 minutes every day. If you are not home a lot, you should read my list of the best toys for cats home alone.


Lastly, your cat might kick herself in the face if she has an itch. One of the main causes of an itch on your cat’s face is from parasites such as fleas or worms. You should closely examine your cat’s face to see if you notice any small bugs or dry skin.

One great way to avoid fleas on a cat is to regularly give them a flea bath. Another option is to use coconut oil for fleas on a cat.


It can certainly be confusing when you notice that your cat keeps kicking herself in the face. The good news is that most of the time it is just a natural behavior that you don’t have to be concerned about. Just make sure to closely examine your cat’s face to make sure there aren’t any parasites.

Lastly, if you notice that your cat starts developing dry patches or loses hair on their face, you might want to put a cone on their head for a short period of time. This will prevent your cat from being able to kick herself in the face. Soon after she will hopefully forget about this behavior.

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