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Why do Cats Dig Their Claws Into You?

Why do Cats Dig Their Claws Into You?

Cat scratches can be one of the downsides of owning a cat. Sometimes it will come out of nowhere. One moment you are playing with your cat, the next their claws are digging into your skin. It is important to understand the reasons cats dig their claws into you so that you can prevent it from happening in the future.

You should also know that a cat doesn’t always intend to inflict pain or harm you when they dig their claws into you. 

How to stop a cat from digging their claws into you?

There are a couple easy ways to help prevent this behavior. A quick and easy solution is to just put a blanket in between you and your cat. Therefore, when their claws won’t actually penetrate your skin.

Another solution is to get your cat a scratching board. This will help them get all the scratching out of their system before they come to you. My favorite cat scratching board is the Coching Premium Scratch Board.

Why do Cats Dig Their Claws Into You?

The main reasons why cats dig their claws into you is because of kneading, sharpening claws, passing their scent, and showing love and affection.


The main reason cats dig their claws into you is because they are kneading. Kneading is a natural behavior that is displayed by most cats. While there is no official reason as to why cats knead, there are plenty of theories that seek to explain the behavior.

Many people think cats knead you because when they are young kittens they will knead their mother’s stomach in order to stimulate more growth. Some people think cats knead because they are simulating the motion of digging, which cats in the wild often do to hunt food or lay down. 

Sharpen claws

Another reason cats will dig their claws into you is to sharpen their claws. Cats claws are extremely sharp, which is why cat scratches sting and hurt so much.

It is natural for cats to seek out objects to scratch in order to make their claws sharper. A cat with sharp claws has a big advantage in the wild, as they can climb more objects and are better at catching prey.  

Passing their scent

Cats will also dig their claws into your skin in order to pass their scent to your skin. You are probably well aware that cats love spreading their scent, whether it is by rubbing their head against something or peeing on a wall.

Many people are not aware that cats have strong scent glands located in between their claws. Therefore, they can spread a large amount of their scent by simply scratching you. 

Love and affection

While it might sound crazy, a cat will also scratch you as a sign of love or affection. This is especially true if you are rubbing your cat or giving them a massage. A cat digging their claws into your skin is their way of saying thank you. While it seems weird, cats are not fully aware of how sensitive human skin is.

They only know skin with fur on it, so they assume that your skin isn’t very sensitive. This is why you will commonly see cats scratching each other when they are grooming or playing with one another. 


If your cat digs their claws into your skin while hissing, it likely means you have done something to make them mad or frightened. If you were touching your cat, you should remove your hand immediately and give your cat some space. There is a chance that you touched a sensitive part of your cat’s body. You should observe your cat to see if they have any scratches or wounds. We also recommend to our readers to always keep your eyes on your cat when you are petting them so you know which areas of their body you are touching.

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