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How to Stop Cats From Scratching Walls?

how to stop cats from scratching walls

Are you tired of having to clean your walls because they are covered in cat scratches? If so, then this post is for you! In the following paragraphs I will show how to stop cats from scratching walls, and why they scratch walls in the first place.

How do I stop my cat from scratching walls?

You can stop your cat from scratching walls by providing an alternative, two sided tape, soft paws, and using a spray bottle.

Provide alternatives

The best way to stop your cat from scratching walls is to provide them with an alternative to scratch. If you haven’t already, you should get them a scratching post. There are also some wall mounted scratching posts that would probably work well in this situation.

If you don’t want to get a scratching post, you can also try leaving some cardboard around the house. Most cats love to scratch and chew cardboard, and it can take your cat’s mind off the wall.

It is important that you use positive reinforcement when you provide an alternative for your cat to scratch. This means when they start to scratch the new object instead of the wall, you should reward them with a treat. If you don’t have any cat treats at home, I suggest you give green olives a try. Most cats go crazy over olives.

Slowly but surely your cat should start scratching more and more of the new object and less of the wall.

Two-sided tape

Two-sided tape is a great option to try if your cat is scratching a specific area of the wall. You can put it on the wall, or even just along the baseboards of where she likes to scratch. Cats absolutely despise two-sided tape, and will most likely avoid any area that you put it on.

Hopefully after a while your cat will lose interest in the wall all together, and you can remove the tape from the wall.

Soft paws

If your cat is causing a lot of damage to your walls, you can also try out soft paws. Soft paws are essentially nail covers that you put on your cat’s paws. They are made out of plastic and help prevent damage when your cat scratches things. They come in a variety of colors, and can help save your walls and furniture.

I do recommend that you only use soft paws until your cat stop scratching the walls. Once your cat stops the behavior, you should take them off because they are not natural for a cat.

To learn more about soft paws, you should check out Soft Paws for Cats Reviews.

Spray bottle

If nothing else works, you can use the spray bottle method. To do this, simply just fill up a spray bottle with water. Every time your cat scratches the wall, give them a light spray. It is important that you aim for their body and not their head. Hopefully after a few squirts your cat will get the message that they shouldn’t scratch the walls.

If water doesn’t work, you can also look on amazon for anti-scratch spray. This is similar to a repellent, and your cat will likely avoid any place that you spray it. However, before you use it, spray a small area of the wall to make sure it doesn’t leave a stain.

In addition to how to stop cats from scratching walls, you should also know why your cat is doing it in the first place.

Why does my cat scratch the wall?

Cats naturally like to scratch things. In the wild, they scratch trees or rocks to mark their territory and leave behind a scent from glands on their paws. This is why it is also common for cats to dig their claws into you, even when they don’t want to hurt you.

When they scratch something that belongs to them or somewhere close by their home, they are marking the area with their scent. This can be a doorway, window frame, table leg etc… so basically anywhere where there could be space for another cat marking what is theirs!

Cat scratch walls for many reasons, including:

  • A change in their environment
  • They want attention or play time with you
  • They’re stressed out or nervous about something
  • There is something wrong with your cat
  • They like how it feels

Your cat might be clawing at the wall because they are in pain. This is a common behavior when something is wrong with your cat’s paw. For instance, your cat might start scratching the wall if their claw is growing into the pad.

Why is my cat scratching walls at night?

The main reasons cats scratch the wall at night is because they want to get your attention. This is usually because they are bored and miss you. However, they might also be scratching the wall at night because they are anxious about something, such as another animal that is nearby.

Another common behavior associated with scratching walls at night is when your cat starts pooping in the house all of a sudden. They do this either because they want your attention, or they have a health issue.

Why is my cat meowing and scratching the wall?

If your cat is meowing and scratching the wall at the same time, it is almost certainly because they are trying to get your attention. This could be caused by anxiety or just boredom. If the behavior continues, I suggest getting a cat calming diffuser.

These are very cheap and all you need to do is stick them into an outlet on the wall. Once plugged in, it emits a diffuser into the air that helps keep your cat calm. Most of them last for at least a month, so they are a great investment.

How to repair wall after cat scratches it?

If your cat does cause damage to your wall, you will likely need to repair it. The best way to do this is to start by sanding the wall until its a flat, smooth surface. Next, wipe it down with a wet rag to remove the wood dust. After this is done, all you need to do is paint over it.

I suggest blocking off this area once your put paint on it so your cat can’t access it.

If you cat scratches leather furniture, you should read my article on how to repair cat scratches on leather with olive oil.

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