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How to get rid of cats pooping in your yard

how to get rid of cats pooping in your yard

Cats pooping in your yard can be very frustrating. No matter how long you try to train your cat to avoid pooping in your yard, sometimes it seems that there is nothing you can do. A cat pooping in your yard can actually be dangerous, especially if your dog eats it. It can also be dangerous to humans. Additionally, no one likes inadvertently stepping into some cat poop in the yard and having it stick to your shoes.

How to get rid of cats pooping in your yard

A small statue or sculpture

While some people recommend putting a scarecrow in, this is a very ugly addition to your yard. It is much better to put a small statue or sculpture in your yard to get rid of cats pooping in your yard. They blend in much better, and the cats will still likely avoid the yard if they are afraid of the statue.


This is a simple and effective way to deter cats from pooping in your yard. The cats will avoid the yard because they don’t enjoy getting sprayed by water. Additionally, a sprinkler will obviously help your grass grow.


While this may be a more expensive option, it is by far the most effective way to stop cats from pooping in your yard. Some fencing options are not as expensive as you might think.

Noise Frequency Devices

Believe it or not, there are now some noise repellent devices that work very well at keeping cats out of your yard. Cats will not come within 10 yards of the noise deterrents because the sound waves hurt their ears. You can find some on amazon for under $30.

Odor Deterrents for cats

Another cheap and easy way to keep cats from pooping in your yard is with Odor Deterrents. The best natural odors that cat’s hate include rue, pepper, lavender, curry, and lemon.

Related: Why is my cat pooping on the floor all of a sudden?

Final Thoughts

Cats pooping in your yard can be very frustrating, especially if they aren’t even your cats. Use these steps to help prevent cats from pooping in your yard.

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