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How To Dog Proof Cat Feeders

How To Dog Proof Cat Feeders

If yours is a multi-pet household, then you can attest that it can be a daunting task keeping your dog from getting into the cat’s food.Though this is not to say that dogs alone are guilty of “food stealing.” Yes, dogs can misbehave a lot more in this area, but some naughty felines also steal little bites of dog food once they get the chance.However, dogs can protect their food from cat invasion, but even the hungriest and aggressive feline cannot fight off a dog that is bent on eating from their food unless you intervene.

Dog Eating Cat Food

If your dog is eating cat food, it can cause one of the following problems:

  • Health Issues: The caloric and nutritional compositions of dog food and cat food vary to suit the unique needs of each animal species. Generally, cat food contains high levels of proteins and fats, which are high in calories, and hence not suited for a dog’s gastrointestinal tract. More so, these calorie-dense cat foods can cause weight gain and, if not adequately handled, obesity in dogs. A situation that can birth more severe health concerns likes diabetes and arthritis. Food intolerances and allergies are other health challenges that can arise from this behavior.
  • Cat’s Well Being: When your dog eats from your cat’s food, it is no doubt cutting down the cat’s food ration. Thus, your cat is being denied the required amount of calories and nutrients necessary for maintaining good health and well-being.
  • Promotes Bad Habits: Most dogs tend to prefer cat’s food over theirs once they taste the former. And this behavior, if not curbed, can degenerate to a point where dogs refuse their food entirely and instead, feed from the cat’s ration.

Due to these reasons and others not mentioned here, you must do all that is necessary to keep your dog from reaching into your cat’s food.

Dog Proofing Your Cat Feeder

It is very important that you learn how to dog proof cat feeders. There are a good number of measures you can adopt to ensure that your dog does not eat the cat’s food. However, purchasing and using a dog-proof cat feeder is one excellent way you can create a safe and peaceful feeding area for your multiple pets.

Alternatively, you can try any of these simple and equally effective ways discussed below to dog-proof your cat feeder.

  • Feed pets In separate Rooms: You can opt to keep your dog, with his food or a treat, in a different room away from where you are feeding the cat, and let him out after the cat has finished eating. But this method might require that both pets share the same meal schedule, and because felines are slower eaters compared to canines, they tend to graze all day, and in tiny bits, unlike the dogs. Thus, feeding within a restricted mealtime might mean that your cat might not be feeding well.
  • Place Cat’s Food On Raised Surfaces: cats, unlike dogs, can leap and climb onto heights. Thus, you can leverage on this felines’ ability to create a feeding station for your cat on an elevated surface. And this could be a simple table, platforms or shelves that you can attach to the wall or hang on the ceiling.
  • Construct Feeder With Exclusive Access Point: You can build a box or cage-like container where you can place your cat’s food, then, create an entrance that allows your cat in and out the container, but too small for your dog to pass through. However, this method can only be effective if your cat and dog are sizes apart.

Undoubtedly, it can be almost impossible to keep your dog away from your cat’s food, especially after he’s had a taste of it. But you are sure to record huge success when you use a dog-proof cat feeder or employ any of the creative and straightforward methods mentioned above.

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