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Cheaper Alternatives to Revolution for Cats

Cheaper Alternatives to Revolution for Cats

Revolution for cats is one of the most popular parasite treatments in the industry. It protects against the most common worms including heartworms, hookworms, and roundworms. It also provides protection against fleas and mites.

While Revolution is a great solution to your cat’s parasite solution, it does come with a hefty price tag. At the time of this writing, Revolution costs $71 for a 3-month dose. This can certainly add up. Therefore, we have decided to put together a list of cheaper alternatives to revolution for cats.

Cheaper alternative to revolution for cats

The best cheaper alternatives to revolution for cats are Profender, Heartgard, Bayer, Cestex, and Diatomaceous Earth.

I will now review each revolution for cats’ alternative below:


Profender is a great cheap alternative to revolution for cats. It is a topical solution, and only costs $18. Similar to revolution, Profender also fights against hookworms, roundworms, and tapeworms. I also prefer profender because as a topical solution, it is much easier to give to my cat compared to trying to sneak a pill in their food.

Profender does require a vet prescription in order to buy.


Heartgard is another popular medication that is used to treat worms in cats. It also only costs $40 for a 6-month supply. It fights specifically against hookworms, which are some of the most serious worms that affect cats.

Heartgard helps fight against heartworm disease, and also helps kill any and all hookworms that have reached your cat’s intestinal system. The medication comes in a chewy tablet, but the flavor is usually attractive to cats. You also need a vet prescription to order this prescription.

Bayer Tapeworm Dewormer

Bayer is a great option if your cat suffers from tapeworm. The medication comes in the from of tablets which you feed to your cat. You can crush the tablets up and sprinkle it in your cat’s food. If your cat despises the taste, you should check out my article on what to do if my cat is mad at me for giving her medicine.

Each box costs $25 and comes with 3 tablets. Best of all, Bayer does not require a vet prescription for this product. While I haven’t given my cat this product before, most reviews claim that the medication did an excellent job of treating the tapeworms in their cat.

Some customers claimed that the medication worked in as little as 24 hours. It is suggested to give your cat one tablet per week until the tapeworms are gone.


Cestex is another cheap alternative to revolution for cats. It is a single dose medication and only costs $14. Cestex also specifically treats cats with tapeworms. Unlike Bayer, it does require a vet prescription. While I also haven’t used this medication before, the company claims that it kills 100% of adult tapeworms.

Diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous earth is a very cheap solution that can go a long way in protecting your cat from worms and fleas. For some background, Diatomaceous earth is a form of phytoplankton that is found in the bottom of oceans and ancient lakes.

Diatomaceous earth is great because it kills parasites without using any chemicals. Instead, diatomaceous earth works by drying out the parasites body when it crawls across your cat’s skin.

Once the parasite has been exposed to diatomaceous earth for an extended period of time, it loses a substantial amount of body fluid and eventually dies. Similar to Revolution for cats, Diatomaceous earth helps kill a wide range of worms including roundworms, whipworms, pinworms, and hookworms.

The best way to use Diatomaceous Earth is to buy the food grade product that you can feed to your cat. Most people claim that Diatomaceous earth treats worms in your cat after 7 days of being fed daily. However, it is recommended to feed it to your cat for 30 straight days to ensure the worms are killed.

Additionally, the longer you feed Diatomaceous earth, the more likely it will kill the worm hatchlings  that might still be on your cat.

Additional alternatives to Revolution

As mentioned in the intro, Revolution also treats against mites and fleas. Most of the alternatives mentioned above only treat worms. Therefore if your cat is suffering from both worms and fleas, it is advisable to give your cat a flea medicine as well.

However, you should always consult a vet before you give your cat two medications at the same time. In general, you should never give worm or flea medication to a cat that is very ill.

If you are searching for flea medication, you should check out my article on the best flea medication for cats.

You can also check out my article on Panacur, which kills worms and fleas.

How to prevent your cat from getting worms/fleas

As always, prevention is always the best course of action. In order to help prevent your cat from getting worms or fleas, you should give him/her regular baths. If you have an outdoor cat, I suggest giving him/her a bath at least every other week.

Additionally, if you ever notice one of your cats has fleas or worms, you should quarantine your cat with tapeworms. This is so the worms don’t spread to any other pets in the house. It is also best to consult a vet as soon as possible, as fleas and worms are easier to treat the earlier they are detected.

You should regularly monitor your cat’s stool to make sure there are no worms/fleas in it. You should also keep a close eye on your cat and make sure they are not excessively scratching themselves.

cheap cat supplies