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Why do Kittens Cry When You Pick Them Up

Why do Kittens Cry When You Pick Them Up

Cats are usually very emotional animals, and this is especially true when they are young kittens. A kitten has tons of hormones racing around their body, and any chemical imbalance can cause a rush of emotions. This is why it is common for kittens to cry and whine frequently in the first couple weeks and months of their lives.

They can cry when they are alone, cry when you touch them, and cry when you pick them up. In today’s article, we are going to discuss the main reasons why kittens cry when you pick them up.

Why do kittens cry when you pick them up?

The four main reasons that kittens cry when you pick them up is because they are anxious, in pain, they are scared of heights, or they feel trapped.


Your kitten may be crying when you pick them up because they feel very anxious. There is a good chance they are still getting use to their new surroundings, and they probably prefer to stay on their own four legs. Your cat most likely did not expect you to pick them, so it is best to approach them slowly. As your kitten begins to trust you more, they will likely stop crying. One great way to reduce anxiety in your kitten is with a cat calmer.


One reason your kitten is crying when you pick them is because he/she is in pain. This is often caused by owners not knowing how to properly pick up a kitten. It is important to pick up a kitten with two hands so that one part of the body doesn’t get squeezed too hard.

You want to make sure that you have a hand covering the bottom of the cat so that they are not just hanging by your one hand. It is important that your kitten feels nice and secure when you are picking them up.

You should also look to see if your cat is leaving blood spots on the ground. There is also a chance your kitten has a bite or scratch at a place you are touching, so inspect their skin to see if this is the case.

Scared of heights

You may be surprised to find out that cats can actually be scared of heights just like humans. It is important to remember that cats are much smaller than us, so picking them up could take them to a level that is 6 to 7 times their height. That is equivalent to a human being 36 feet above the ground.


Kittens might also cry when you pick them up because they feel trapped. Kittens love to have their freedom, and when you pick them up, they have no control over anything. If this is the case, you might just have to spend more time playing with your kitten so that he/she builds up trust in you.


Most of the time, it is completely normal for your kitten to cry a little when you pick them up. It is natural for cats to get jumpy all of a sudden. It is important to look for other signs or symptoms that your cat is sick/in pain just in case.

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