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Why Do Cats Like Air Vents?

Why Do Cats Like Air Vents

Even if you have a nice comfy bed for your cat, chances are they will wonder around the house and obsess over random objects. Perhaps you’ve noticed that cat or cats like to hang out near your air vents. Like most people, you probably want to know why they do this. In this article, we’ll address your question on why cats like air vents and offer some suggestions for cat-proofing air vents.

Why do cats like air vents?

Cats like air vents because they keep them cool, and some cats might be curious about the noise that comes from the air vent.

Keeps them cool

The main reason cats like air vents are because of the gentle breeze it provides. This breeze not only soothes them but also relaxes them. Cats are temperature tolerant to both extremes. This is not to say that they are unaffected by temperature.

If we’re cold, they’re probably cold as well. If we’re hot, they’re probably too. Air vents are excellent for cats because they reduce the risk of overheating, especially in the summer.

In the winter, your cat will probably spend a lot of time sitting next to the heater.

Can depend on breed

As previously stated, air vents are excellent for keeping your cat cool during the summer. This is especially true for cats with naturally long fur, such as Himalayans, Persians, and Birmans. Many people are aware of how much warm air can harm a pet.

If your cat has long hair, it may struggle during the summer months. While they may appear to be fine for most of the year, it can make them feel uneasy when the temperature begins to rise just a little too high.

Some breeds with long fur will prefer to stay by an air vent during these summer months to keep themselves cool. Air vents appear to be the natural solution because you don’t want to leave a window open when no one is at home for security reasons.

The noise intrigues them

Your cat might also like your air vents because of the sound that comes from them. Cats are naturally curious animals, and can sometimes obsess over noises, especially noises in their environment. Your cat might also find the noise that comes from the air vent is relaxing.

Do air vents make cats sick?

Many people think that air vents can make your cats sick, but this is false. If your air vent filters are regularly cleaned and replaced, it is unlikely that your cat will get sick. Air vents can be very beneficial for your cats, and it is the best way to keep them happy and healthy when you’re away.

Now that you understand why your cat may prefer to stay near an air vent, you must take extra measures to ensure your air vents are safe for them.

How to keep cat away from air vent?

If your cat keeps messing around with your vents and sticking their paw in or pushing toys through, you can use a mesh screen to put a stop to this. Just buy some meshing, cut a piece to size, and fit it underneath the vent, so it’s held in place.

Another option is to put some cat repellent in or around the air vent. Some natural cat repellents include lemon, pepper, and garlic. You can also find some cheap cat repellents on amazon.

Has your cat ever peed down your air vent? If it has, then keep on reading.

Related: How to keep cats from scratching furniture

Why do cats pee in air vents?

It’s possible that your cat peed down your air vent to mark its territory. Many animals pee in several locations to disseminate their scent and establish their territory. It’s also possible that your cat is experiencing some health issues. If you notice that your cat is going to the litter box every few minutes, they might have a UTI.

Try wrapping aluminum foil over the vent’s edges to prevent your cat from peeing down it. Applying double-edged tape to the edges is another fantastic option. The sticky feeling the tape leaves on your cat’s skin and pads will irritate it. After one or two attempts, they will undoubtedly refrain from approaching the vent.

Also, a fun fact about aluminum foil: cats despise it. They cringe when they hear the sound made by the aluminum foil and will avoid the vent.

We can’t read our pets’ thoughts, but we can do everything to keep them comfortable and happy. If your cat appears to be at ease when near an air vent, it is best to leave it alone and find ways to keep it secure.

If your cat could talk, I’m sure it would thank you for always making it feel more comfortable.

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