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Single Kitten Syndrome: What is it and how to cure it?

single kitten syndrome

Consider this. You’ve decided to adopt a kitten in the hopes of providing it with the best possible life. However, when you adopt a single kitten, you will notice that your kitten becomes attached to you, not wanting to be lonely and constantly seeking your attention. It’s possible that your kitten is suffering from Single Kitten Syndrome.

What is Single Kitten Syndrome?

Single kitten syndrome is a behavioral disorder where cats are usually very aggressive with humans and other cats. They have a tendency to bite and scratch a lot.

What Causes Single Kitten Syndrome?

Single kitten syndrome usually occurs when a kitten is between the ages of 4-6 months does not receive social feedback from other kittens.

Without the guidance of other cats, the cat can suffer from serious behavior problems and become more aggressive.

Bringing home a single kitten may appear to be a good idea at first, but it is more work than bringing home a pair of kittens. When two kittens play, they give each other strong signals not to bite or scratch too hard. Kittens with single kitten syndrome grow up to be rough-housing cats. They have a strong bite and may wrestle or pounce with their claws out.

Symptoms of Single Kitten Syndrome?

A kitten suffering from single kitten syndrome may exhibit frequent whiny meowing and other attention-seeking behaviors. They are excessively needy of their caregivers and frequently suck on clothing or blankets. They also bite or scratch a lot.

Furthermore, kittens suffering from single kitten syndrome frequently exhibit annoying behaviors such as chewing on wires, doors, cabinets, and curtains. They may also miss their litter box to mark their territory. These behaviors can persist into adulthood, and they may decrease, increase, or remain constant as the cat ages.

We will discuss how to deal with single kitten syndrome and how to prevent it in your kittens in this article.

How to Cure Single Kitten Syndrome?

The best way to cure single kitten syndrome is to provide your kitten with a sibling, add more playtime, give them toys, or adopt an older cat.

Providing a kitten with one or more siblings

Providing a kitten with one or more siblings is best to prevent single kitten syndrome. When two kittens are raised together, they are able to learn from each other. They will communicate what type of biting and scratching is appropriate and what is too rough as they play. When the kittens want to play rough, they will concentrate on each other rather than on you or the items in your house.

Its also great to have two kittens if you are away form home a lot. A pair of kittens will keep each other socialized, entertained, and active while they are home alone. With another kitten in the house, they will not require as much play time with humans.

If you only have one kitten, it might get sad or insecure if you leave the house a lot. Adopt two kittens, and you’ll likely have two happy kittens. Additionally, when two kittens live together they help teach each other good behavior patterns. For example, if one kitten learns how to use the litter box first, they might be able to teach the other one.

Kittens will also enjoy snuggling and sleeping together. Sometimes kittens will even sleep on top of each other.

The only disadvantage of getting two kittens is that it costs more money to raise them. For example, you will have to pay for more cat food and cat litter. However, in this case, I would say that it is definitely worth it.

Add more playtime

Another way to cure single kitten syndrome is to spend more time with your cat. This could involve you playing with them, or just sitting next to them and petting them. A kitten can obviously get pretty lonely, so any attention from a human can go a long ways. You should try to play with your young kitten for at least two hour per day.

If you can’t adopt another kitten, you can always try to set up playdates with other kittens. Playdates are great ways to allow kittens to socialize and engage with one another.

Before you set up a playdate with another cat, it is important that you assess the temperaments of both cats. If the other cat is territorial or aggressive, it might not work out. I also recommend that you set up a play date with a cat that is similar in age.

Get your cat toys

Another great way to keep your cat simulated and engaged is to get them toys. There are plenty of toys you can get them that they can use on their own. To learn more, check out the best toys for cats home alone.

Adopt an older cat

If you want to adopt another cat, I suggest that you consider adopting an older cat. Adult cats make excellent pets because they lack kittens’ energy output and care requirements. They also tend to be less aggressive compared to younger cats.


Implement the prevention steps outlined above if your kitten is still under the age of 4-6 months. Hopefully, your kitten will start to understand what behaviors are and are not acceptable. Make it a point to play with your kitten several times daily until it is exhausted. Remember that kittenhood is only a few months long and that it is critical to commit to this process during this critical developmental stage.

Cats that are older than 6 months have gone through the critical socialization period, and they already have their habits, expectations, and reactions established. However, cats are intelligent and can learn.

Changing your older cat’s behavior may be more difficult if it is needy due to single kitten syndrome. If your older cat still suffers from single kitten syndrome, still give it as much love and attention as possible.

You may also experiment with other methods to shake up your cat’s routine. Gently exposing it to new stimuli and addressing cat anxiety with other strategies can also assist your cat in relearning new habits.

To conclude, adopting a pair of kittens is the best way to avoid single kitten syndrome! Alternatively, adopting a sweet and loving adult cat is better than adopting only one kitten. If you have a kitten exhibiting symptoms of single kitten syndrome, you will be able to address them with these strategies. You’ll have a calm, well-behaved cat in your home before you know it.

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