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Review of Advantage Multi Advocate for Cats and Dogs

Review of Advantage Multi Advocate for Cats and Dogs

While adopting any pet, it is expected from you that you must do all the research about the breed, age, medications, treatments of the pet you want. The research work will ease the choice of pet you want to adopt.

While doing research many of you must have come across few facts like various ailments, their treatments and other facts are similar in both cats and dogs. However, even if the name of medication is same, there are a few differences between them.

Review of Advantage Multi Advocate for Cats and Dogs

For instance, let’s talk about a well-known treatment, Advantage Multi Advocate, which is also known as Advocate in some countries. It is available for both cats and dogs and share some common functionalities and dissimilarities too.

We will look at the product from both the aspects of cats and dogs.

Advantage Multi (Advocate) for Dogs 

Advantage Multi (Advocate) is a remedy that aids in the prevention of heartworms, fleas and gastrointestinal worms like hookworms, roundworms and whipworms. It is an active formula, which is a spot-on treatment to be applied on dogs and puppies of 7 weeks of age and above. It is the best-suited treatment for mixed parasitic infections in canines.

advantage multi for dogs review

An application of Advocate eliminates the fleas within 12 hours and disrupts the development of flea life cycle. The monthly dosage prevents Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD) as well.

Made with ingredients Imidacloprid and Moxidectin, Advantage Multi is one of the fast-acting solutions for so many problems in the dogs. The insecticidal properties of Imidacloprid destroy the nervous system of the adult fleas and obstruct the multiplication of fleas by eliminating the flea eggs and larvae. Moxidectin on the other hand is an anthelmintic drug that is used in prevention and control of heartworms and intestinal worms.

Advantage Multi (Advocate) for Cats

Advantage Multi for Cats controls heartworms, fleas and gastrointestinal worms like hookworms and roundworms. It also controls ear mite infection and demodicosis in felines. A rapid-working, monthly, spot-on treatment is an effective treatment. On application of this treatment, 98–100% of fleas are eliminated in 12 hours with the destruction of flea life cycle for a month. A safe and convenient treatment is suitable for kittens of 9 weeks of age and above.

review of advantage multi for cats

Although the ingredients are same, the target parasites to be killed differ slightly. With the same action and waterproof formula, Imidacloprid and Moxidectin eliminate ear mites and prevent re-infestation of the parasites.

This treatment is available for both the cats and dogs according to their weights. These are color-coded packs; for Dogs- Green, Aqua, red and Blue and for Cats, Orange and Purple.

Apart from all the similarities and dissimilarities, Advantage Multi Advocate, a Bayer manufactured product is one of the very few treatments that is in topical form for heartworm prevention.

Author Bio: Joshua Scott

I am a Freelance Blogger, writer, and model who lives in Los Angeles. I have been writing online for the past 4 years. I love to write articles and blogs on a niche like Pets, Animal, Modeling & Traveling. I am passionate about spreading knowledge & tips across the world.

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