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How to Keep Cats Away From Bird Aviary

Cats hunt birds, not with ill intent but because it is in their nature. Even if a cat is fed every day, it is still a natural hunter whose instincts are triggered when presented with live prey. If you have birds, you must find ways to keep them safe from any wild cats that may be wandering your area.

When birds are hunted inside a cage, they can suffer from various negative effects, including immune system suppression and changes in feather growth.  This is because they are worried about their inability to fly away. They perceive it as a life-or-death situation but being trapped in a cage prevents them from acting on their instincts.

How to keep cats away from Bird Aviary

To keep your birds safe, here are some easy ways to keep cats away from your bird aviary. They include choosing a cage wisely, using deterrents, using repellants, and buying a cage cover.

Choose a cage wisely

Consider purchasing a heavy and sturdy cage for your birds when deciding what type of cage to purchase. When a cage is light, a cat can easily pounce on it and knock it over, potentially injuring your birds.

Along with the quality of the cage, you should consider the spacing between the bars of your cage. The spacing between the bars on your cage should be such that a cat’s paws cannot fit through them. With a thickness of 2mm to 2.5mm, 1/2′′ to 3/4′′ bar spacing is a reasonable size to aim for. Also, because metal is stronger than plastic, you want the bars and wires to be metal rather than plastic.

Furthermore, it is critical to find one with a secure lock on the latch that will keep your birds in and any cats out when selecting a cage. This is especially important because some bird breeds, such as parrots, are intelligent and can learn to open a lock on their own. If your bird gets loose, a cat can easily catch them.

Finally, if your bird aviary is kept outside, you should consider purchasing a cage with a slanted roof. This will help keep cats from stepping on the roof and scaring your birds.

Use deterrents 

There are numerous deterrents available to help keep your bird aviary safe. This can be accomplished using scent or sound deterrents.

Cats are extremely sensitive to smells, and there are some that they despise, such as citrus scents. You can keep cats away from your bird aviary by placing lemon and orange peels around the cage. You can also buy odor-based spray repellents that provide the same solution, but these are only suitable for outdoor aviaries.

In addition, sound deterrents are available to keep cats away from your bird aviary. These are high-frequency sounds that humans cannot hear, but most cats are terrified of them. There are also motion-detector sound repellants available that you can use to keep cats away from your bird aviary.

You can also try to find something to distract your cat, such as olives.

Use repellents

You can use repellants to keep cats away in addition to scent and sound deterrents. Plant repellents and water repellents are two examples.

Cats dislike the smell of certain plants and will avoid them, so place them near your bird cages. Coleus Canina is an example of such a plant.

A water spray is handy for squirting at any cat that gets too close to your cage. You can also get motion-detecting sprinklers that will scare away any predators that are detected.

Use a cage cover

A cage cover can be useful for adding extra security to your birds’ cage. This is especially useful at night when you can’t monitor your birds.

Use an Aviary Wire Mesh

Aviary wire mesh is made of a strong metal material, and the hexagonal or square shapes are ideal for perching and climbing. Using this can help keep cats away from your birds’ cage.

As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to keep your pet birds safe from harm. While you can’t control what happens when you’re not there, you can take precautions to keep your pets safe even when you’re not.

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