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How to Decrease Amount of Prednisolone in Cats

How to Decrease Amount of Prednisolone in Cats

Cats are sensitive animals which belong to the feline family. A wide range of medications are used in cats for treatment of a variety of health-related conditions. Steroids are also used in cats to treat many ailments. Prednisolone is one of the adrenocortical steroid which is used to treat inflammation, allergies, autoimmune diseases (occur when immune system attacks on own body cells), arthritis, kidney associated pathologies, gastric complications, asthma & respiratory anomalies and other endocrine related conditions in cats. Here we will discuss how to reduce the amount of prednisolone in cats under the light of scientific literature. 


First of all, this is very much important to understand the basic difference between prednisone and prednisolone. Both are corticosteroids which are produced from the adrenal gland (kidneys) of the cats. Prednisone is pre-form that finally converts into the prednisolone under the action of enzymes secreted by the liver. According to pet experts, it is better to use prednisolone in cats instead of prednisone because prednisolone is safer. Additionally, this is never recommended to use prednisone in cats which hepatic impairment/dysfunctioning because those cats can’t effectively convert the prednisone to prednisolone which ultimately causes poisoning in cats. Although, a small amount of prednisolone can be given only under the supervision of a certified pet practitioner. Short-term disadvantages of using prednisolone: 

Increase in appetite 

frequent urination and renal complications 

Behavioral problems such as depression, anxiety and panting 

Increased thirst 

Fluid retention in the body 

Weight gain and hair/fur loss 

Long-term disadvantages of prednisolone usage: 




Cushing’s disease 

Urinary tract infections 

Poor wound healing 

Gastric complications such as (stomach ulcers) 

Immunosuppressant effect (immune system becomes suppressed and cats can become susceptible to a number of bacterial, fungal and viral infection) 

Poor growth of neonate (this is why, it is never recommended to use prednisolone in pregnant and young kittens- as this steroid interferes with the normal growth and development ). 


This is clear that steroid should be used only in particular conditions and after taking a detailed guideline from a certified pet expert. Additionally, excessive and long-term usages of steroid cause a wide range of health-related complications in cats which can become life-threatening to your beloved furry friend. A responsible vet always monitors the dose of prednisolone and the health status of the cat undergoing the steroid therapy. Moreover, sudden decreases in the amount of prednisolone also cause a number of complications in cats. As external administration of prednisolone restricts the adrenal gland of the kidney to synthesize the prednisolone in sufficient amounts and sudden off-supply causes the kidney problems especially adrenal problems. Therefore it is highly recommended to decrease the amount of prednisolone gradually and under the supervision of an expert vet. Don’t take any step without advice from your vet. Slow and gradual decrease in prednisolone amount forces the adrenal glands to synthesize the natural prednisolone accordingly. This is how, body becomes accustomed. This is also recommended to use alternatives of prednisolone as it becomes habitual of prednisolone, so using alternatives help in dealing with this situation. All along with that, your vet can give a completed guideline to reduce the amount of prednisolone in your beloved furry friend by suggesting some hypo-allergic diets and several mineral and vitamin supplements.

 Note: The exact amount of prednisolone dosage and weaning off will be determined by your vet. He/she will decide it according to the age, health status, immunity and current condition of your cat. 


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