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How Often Should You Worm Cattle?

How Often Should You Worm Cattle

Deworming helps in reducing the risk of parasitic infestation among the cattle. Cattle are threatened by various pests, including outdoor pests like horn or face flies, and internal parasites such as lungworms. Deworming improves the cattle’s immunity, so these don’t get sick too often. But how frequently should you worm the cattle? Let’s find out.

How often should you worm cattle?

Springtime is ideal for cattle deworming because parasite burdens are at their peak during this season. However, the frequency of deworming depends on two aspects:

  • The type of livestock you own.
  • The amount of parasite load the cattle are exposed to.

Deworming needs of all animals vary considerably; therefore, it is a good idea to get their fecal examination done for worm egg count. This will help you determine exactly when the animal needs deworming. Or else, you can observe signs of unusual or abnormal behavior, and get the animal’s vulva or gums, eyelids’ mucous membranes, and anemia levels checked.

If you don’t observe any behavioral or physical risk factors, you should deworm the animal during springtime and fall. Presented below is a breakdown of how frequently different types of animals should be dewormed.

How often should you deworm mature cows

It is essential to deworm mature cows once a year, shortly before calving. Calving tends to be a stressful time for the animal and can suppress its immune function. Hence, cows can be at a higher risk of getting internal parasites. However, if the cow is exposed to an enormous parasite load, deworming twice a year is the right strategy.

How often should I deworm bulls

Generally, bulls are more susceptible to developing parasitic infestation. They should be dewormed twice in a year, during springtime and fall.

How often should you deworm calves

Calves may need frequent deworming than mature cows. It is essential to start deworming treatment from 3 to 4 months of age. It should be conducted again when they are weaning. To determine how often they need deworming, you must check your farm’s parasite levels.

How often should you deworm yearlings

Ideally, calves should be dewormed every 4 months until they reach one year. Yearlings should be dewormed twice a year, in spring and fall, until they become fully mature. Technically, heifers are considered mature until they become pregnant with their second calf.

How often do dairy cows need to be dewormed

Semi-confined cows or those in dry lots can access fecal contaminated water or feed. This usually results in increasing the load of internal parasites. Therefore, mature dairy cows should be wormed after lactation. Pregnant cows should be dewormed in the fall.

Should You Worm Cattle During the Summer?

Worming calves during summers depends entirely on the level of contamination of lots or pastures. Using the same pasture every year or high-density grazing cattle often results in contaminating the forage.

Therefore, the number of times you need to deworm calves during the summer and spring will depend upon the level of reinfection and exposure. Dairy calves living in small lots at the farmstead should be wormed frequently during summers.

In cattle, the parasitic disease can impair the animal’s health, productivity, growth, and reproduction. In some severe cases, it may prove to be fatal for the animal. Therefore, it is necessary to worm cattle frequently.

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