Cheap Seresto Collar for Small Dogs
The cheapest way to buy a seresto collar for small dogs is to buy it from seresto for small dogs from At the moment, they are holding a 20% off sale for their seresto collar for small dogs. As you can see from the photo below, seresto for small dogs usually costs $72. However, for this limited time sale, you can purchase it for $58. That is a savings of $14! We guarantee that this is the cheapest place to buy a seresto collar. It is cheaper than all other online retailers as well as pet stores such as PetsMart.

Seresto collar coupon
Another way to buy a cheap seresto collar is by buying it at chewy with our special discount code. Similar to the sale above, the coupon give you a 20% discount on seresto. This coupon can be applied to all versions of seresto collar, from big to small dogs and even seresto collars for cats. Read below how to apply the coupon to get the discount.
Seresto flea collar coupon code
Our special Seresto Flea Collar Coupon code is RX20 . All you need to do is go to this Seresto product page and choose the product that you want. After you add it to your cart, you should click proceed to checkout. Before you enter your payment information, look on the right side of the screen under the price information. You should see a box that says discount code. Enter RX20 into the box, and you will automatically get 20% off your order of Seresto.
Why is the Seresto collar so effective?
The seresto collar is one of the best parasite solutions for your dog or cat for many reasons. While most parasite prevention medications come in the form of pills or topical cream, seresto is a collar that you simply put on your dog cat. After you put the collar on your pet, your work is done. The seresto collar lasts for a really long time, providing protection for around 8 months. The best part is that the seresto collar is water resistant, so your pet can wear it in the rain, during baths, and while swimming. The seresto collar kills a wide range of parasites, from fleas to ticks. While some flea medication only protects against fleas that have already bitten your dog or cat, the seresto collar kills all fleas once they come into contact with your pet’s skins. It also kills flea eggs to prevent any chance of offspring. It works really fast, killing fleas within 24 hours of applications, and ticks within 48 hours of application.