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Can You Bathe a Cat With Dawn?

When it comes to hygiene, cats take grooming very seriously. This is why you will often see your cat licking all over their body. While cats are able to keep their body relatively clean, they are not perfect. Cats can still get covered in smelly dirt, which will take human intervention to fix. While bathing your cat is not recommended by everyone, we think it is necessary to keep your cat clean and healthy.

How often should I give my cat a bath?

While there are environmental factors, such as whether your cat is an indoor or outdoor cat, we recommend most cat owners give their cat a bath at least once every 2 months. Along with keeping your cat clean and smelling fresh, regularly bathing your cat can help prevent the formation of mats in their fur.

Can you bathe a cat with dawn?

We are frequently asked if you can bathe a cat with dawn. The truth is yes, you can bathe your cat with dawn, but there are a couple important conditions. First of all, you should not bathe your cat with dawn if they already have a skin infection or open sores. Putting dawn on already irritated skin can cause an infection to get worse. We also recommend only using the original blue dawn product, as some of their new product lines may be too acidic for your cat’s skin. We don’t recommend using any other type of dish soap or human soap on your cat, as they can potentially dry out your cat’s skin. This can make your problem even worse, as dry skin is more susceptible to bacterial infections.

Benefits of using dawn for bathing cats

The main benefit of using dawn on cats is to remove fleas. Dawn is a great bug repellent which can kill fleas and other parasites on your cat’s skin. It works by drowning the fleas when you submerge them in water, as the dawn prevents the fleas from floating to the surface.

While dawn can be used to kill fleas on your cat’s skin, it is only a temporary fix. Dawn will not prevent new fleas from attaching to your cat’s skin. After using dawn on your cat, we recommend looking into a flea repellent to protect your cat from fleas in the future. 

How to bathe your cat with dawn?

Bathing your cat with dawn is very simple. First you want to give your cat a quick brush in order to remove any loose hairs. Then point the water source to your cat. We recommend giving your cat a bath either in the shower or outside with a hose. While rinsing the cat, make sure to avoid their face and eyes. After the cat’s skin is damp, you can start applying the dawn. We recommend making a solution of 1 part dawn, 5 parts water. Rub this solution up against your cat’s skin. 

After you have applied the soap, you should completely rinse your cat to remove all of the dawn soap. After the bath, it is very important that you wrap your turtle in a warm blanket. You should not let your cat go until they are completely dry. If your turtle is not properly dried, it can lower their body temperature to dangerous levels.

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