Revolution for Cats and Dogs is one of the most trusted pet medications for treating worms and fleas. It is produced by the trusted brand Bayer and comes in the form of a topical solution that is easily applied to the top of your cats skin. Once in your pet’s blood stream, Revolution kills worms and fleas and their eggs, protecting your pet in the future. Revolution is waterproof, so you don’t have to worry about it coming off your pet before it takes effect.
If you have done a little research, you have probably seen that there is a Revolution for Cats and a Revolution for Dogs. Additionally, each pet has its own classification of revolution which is divided by different colors. The colors are determined by the level of Selamectin (active ingredient) in the solution and the potency. The Selamectin dosage is determined by the weight of the dog. Below are the colors/weights and the corresponding Selamectin levels for Revolution for Dogs.
Muave (0-5lbs): Selamectin 15mg
Purple (5.1-10lbs): Selamectin 30mg
Brown (10-20lbs): 60mg Selamectin
Red (20-40lbs): Selamectin 120mg
Teal (40-85lbs): Selamectin 240mg
Plum (85-130lbs): Selamectin 360mg
Here are the Colors (weight) and Selamectin dosage for Revolution in cats:
Muave (0-5lbs): Selamectin 15mg
Blue (5-15lbs): Selamectin 45mg
Tuape (15-22lbs): Selamectin 60mg
Can I Use Revolution for Cats on my Dog
No, you can not use Revolution for cats on your dog. At first glance, you might think you can give your dog the blue Revolution for cats if your dog weighs 5-15 lbs, or the Taupe Revolution if your dog is 15-22 lbs. However, this is not save because there are still differences in the Cat and Dog medications. One of the biggest differences between Revolution for Cats and Revolution for Dogs is the potency. The potency in Revolution for Cats is 60 mg/L, where as the potency in Revolution for Dogs is 120 mg/L. For this reason, we recommend that you never use Revolution for Cats on your Dog.
Revolution for Dogs and Cats

There is a new line of Revolution that can be used for Dogs and Cats. This is a great product if you have cats and dogs that struggle with worms or fleas. It comes with 3 doses and each dosage lasts for an entire month.