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Can Cats and Dogs Mate?

Can Cats and Dogs Mate

It is impossible for cats and dogs to mate and produce offspring. The two animals belong to different genus and species. Both cats and dogs come from very different ancestors and have too many genetic differences. Every now and then there will be a story that a cat and dog mated and successfully produced an offspring. However, these reports always turn out to be fake.

Creating hybrids with two animals that belong to two different species is impossible in a natural setting. Animals can only mate with animals that belong to their species.

The sperm of cats and ovaries of dogs are incompatible and vice-versa. If the cat happens to be impregnated by the dog conventionally, then the offspring won’t survive.

Why Do Dogs Try To Mate With Cats?

You might have observed dogs and cats mounting each other and figure out what the reason is. The behavior of dogs trying to mount on furniture, household appliances, cats, and children seems to be an everyday thing. 

Mounting behavior is typically known for reproduction but sometimes dogs mount to display dominance. Dogs love to mount and they mount almost everything including furniture, humans, and cats. Most of the time, when a dog mounts a cat, it does so as a sign of dominance and aggression.

The mounting behavior of dogs is quite common in puppies since they love to play a lot, and it doesn’t trigger an erection at all.

The mating routines in cats and dogs tend to be unique, with a few similarities. Female counterparts usually go on heat a few times a year, and the gestation period is quite different.

If you have a female cat, I always recommend that you get them spayed. This will prevent them from ever getting pregnant. If you do get them spayed, you should check out my article on what should a healing cat spay incision look like? You should also keep your cat confined after they are spayed.

Why cats and dogs can’t produce offspring?

Here we will explain why cats and dogs can’t mate and what is preventing them from producing offspring.

  • Species: Cats are members of the Felis Catus species while dogs belong to the Canis lupus species.
  • Chromosome pairs: Their genes are entirely different and a mix of these genes is impossible. Dogs have 39 pairs of chromosomes while cats have 19 pairs of chromosomes. Cats and dogs have unnatural DNA mixing. So, their breeding is unsuccessful.
  • Can’t fertilize each other’s egg: Eggs can only be unlocked by the sperms of the same species. Cats cannot be impregnated by dogs in a natural setting or vice-versa. The sperm of a cat cannot unlock the egg of a dog. Neither does dog sperm fertilize a cat’s egg. They can’t reproduce as their chromosomes don’t match.
  • Penis difference: All male cats have barbed penises while male dogs do not. Mating is painful in the cat family. A male cat can injure the female canine when trying to mate.
  • Sexual attraction: Cats and dogs don’t usually respond to each other’s signals. Male cats are only attracted to female cats due to their smell and sound. They are not usually attracted to a dog, who is from another species. Similarly, female dogs won’t be attracted to a cat. They will only mate with male dogs that they find attractive. 

Can cats and dogs sleep together in the same bed?

Once a cat and a dog are socialized with each other, they can live together, play together, greet each other, and enjoy sleeping together. You will often see canine and feline family members sleeping together on the couch. In some cases, they can even share the same water bowl and groom each other. However, when a cat and dog sleep in the same bed, it is not because they are sexually attracted to each other. 

The only reason you should not let a cat and dog sleep together is if one of them has parasites. You should quarantine a cat with tapeworms and keep them isolated so the tapeworms don’t spread to your dog.

Can dogs mate with other animals?

  • Wolves: Dogs can easily breed with wolves because they are the same species and genetically compatible. They can produce fertile offspring without much issue. 
  • Coyotes: Coyotes and dogs have a harder time breeding due to certain genetic differences. Coyotes are seasonal breeders and a female coyote in heat is quite different from a female dog in heat. When a coyote and a dog breed, there can be some issues with parenting as male coyotes take care of their offspring while male dogs don’t care for their offspring as much. Also, the coydog offspring can’t have more coydogs. 

Final thoughts

Cats and dogs can’t produce offspring in a conventional, natural setting. So, trying to mate them will only make their life worse without any possible upside. The rule of thumb remains that the two cannot have offspring. This is because they don’t have a natural attraction towards each other, and genetically it is impossible for the two species to fertilize the other’s egg.

All pets are unique and beautiful in their own way. We shouldn’t mess with nature and can enjoy our pets and their differences. Just appreciate them, take great care of them, and love them the way they are!

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