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How to Litter Train a 4 Week Old Kitten

How to Litter Train a 4 Week Old Kitten

Litter training a kitten at any age is a challenge. This is especially the case when you have a kitten that is only 4 weeks old. However, as most things are, the better you start the better. If you can litter train your 4 week old kitten, you will save yourself a lot of time (and paper towels)! Read below to find out the best way to litter train your 4 week old kitten.

How to litter train a 4 week old kitten?

The 4 week mark is a big point in a young kitten’s life. It is usually when they start weaning (eating solid food), and it is also the earliest time we suggest litter training. Read below to learn all the steps on how to litter train a 4 week old kitten:

Low height box:

It is essential that you start your 4 week old kitten with a litter box that has a very low height. You need to make sure that your kitten’s small little legs can climb into the litter box by itself. 

Non-scent and Non-clumping

When your kitten is just starting to use the litter box, we recommend using basic litter that doesn’t have a scent and is non clumping. This is because your kitten might ingest some litter by accident the first couple times he/she enters the litter box. 

Put in litter box after you feed

It is no mystery that young kittens have small bladders. They will usually go pee or poop very soon after they have eaten or drank. Therefore, we recommend putting your kitten in the litter box right after it is done eating or drinking. 

Scratching the litter

In order to get your 4 week old kitten accustomed to the litter, try gently rubbing its paw against the surface of the litter. Eventually, you kitten should start doing this on their own when they are in the litter box. 


4 week old kittens are very small, and your house can be very hard for your kitten to maneuver around. It is very common for young kittens to get lost. Therefore, it is essential that you put the litter box in the same room as the food and water bowl. There is no need to put them right next to each other, but you need to make sure you put the litter box in a place nearby where your kitten can easily find it. 


While it is always important to have a clean litter box, it is especially important when your kitten is only 4 weeks old and learning how to be litter trained. You should scoop the litter immediately after your kitten does their business to ensure there isn’t a bad odor. You want the litter box to be clean so that your kitten has a positive association of the litter box, and doesn’t avoid it because of its foul smell.

**Remember to always be patient when trying to litter train a 4 week old kitten. They are very young and still getting acclimated to the world. It is common for them to make simple mistakes. Do not punish them, as harsh punishment can induce anxiety into kittens, and even affect their future development.

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