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Why Does My Cat Grab My Leg When I Walk?

Why Does My Cat Grab My Leg When I Walk?

Cats certainly have their fair share of strange tendencies and behaviors. A lot of them are caused by their curbed interest in humans, or their strong attachment to their owners. If you have ever been walking near your cat, and he/she immediately grabs your leg, you might have a couple questions. In today’s article we hope to answer these questions, as we explain why cats exhibit this behavior. And before you get worried, you should know that a cat grabbing your leg when you walk is very normal behavior for cats.

Why does my cat grab my leg when I walk

The main reasons your cat grabs your leg when you walk is because of boredom, need for attention, anxiety, and natural instinct.


One of the main reasons your cat will grab your leg when they walk by is because they are bored and want to play. They know that grabbing your leg will almost certainly get your attention, and thus evoke a reaction. A cat that is doing this is most likely bored, and is just inviting you to play with him/her.


Another reason your cat will grab your leg is because he/she is seeking your attention and love. While this is usually nothing to worry about, it could be an underlying sign of separation anxiety. This occurs when a cat becomes so attached to an owner that it has a hard time functioning when the owner is not present. By grabbing your leg when you walk, your cat is basically trying to say “Hey! I am right here, give me some love!”

Natural Instinct

For thousands of years, cats lived in the wild as hunters. While they are domesticated today, they still have many traits and natural instincts from when they lived in the wild. Them jumping and grabbing your leg is actually a technique that is used when hunting. However, there is no need to worry. Small kittens usually exhibit this same behavior among themselves, and it usually is not a sign of aggression. However, if your cat digs his/her nails into your skin and hisses, then your cat may need to see a vet. 


Your cat might grab your leg when you’re walking because there is something that is making your cat anxious or afraid. This is common when your cat sees another pet or animal outside. They get a rush of adrenaline, which makes them stressed or anxious. Thus, they grab your leg to try and alert you that something is outside. 

How to stop my cat from grabbing my leg

While this behavior is almost always in a friendly, aggressive manner, it may become annoying. If you are looking for ways to stop your cat from grabbing your leg, you should look into buying cat toys to keep it distracted and entertained.

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