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Where to buy Diroban for cheapest price: Product insert and injection

diroban product insert

Where can you buy Diroban Product Insert?

There are 2 easy places online where you can buy Diroban Product Insert. Walmart Pet RX and Allivet both offer Diroban 25mg/ml sterile powder for injection at the price of $469.50. If you opt in to autoship on your first order you can save an additional 30%!

How does the Diroban Insert work?

The active ingredient in Diroban insert is melarsomine dihydrocholoride. It is a safe and effective way to treat dogs with class 1, 2 and 3 heartworm disease. When it is injected intramuscularly, it is rabidly absorbed.

Diroban Product Insert Dosage & Administration

Diroban Insert should only be administered by deep intramuscular injection in the epaxial muscles (L3-L5). It is critical that you do not use in any other muscle group.

Care must be taken to administer the proper dose. Accurately weigh the dog and calculate the volume to be injected based on the dose of 2.5 mg/kg (1.1 mg/lb). This is equivalent to 0.1 mL/kg (0.045 mL/lb). Please reference the below dosage table as a guide to ensure the proper dosage volume is administered.

Diroban Insert Overdose Side Effects

Three dogs were inadvertently overdosed with melarsomine dihydrochloride in the clinical field trials when the dose was calculated on a mg/lb basis rather than a mg/kg basis (2X overdosage). Within 30 minutes of injection, one dog showed excessive salivation, panting, restlessness, and fever with all signs resolving within 4 hours. Vomiting and diarrhea were seen in the second dog within 24 hours of injection. The dog vomited once and the diarrhea resolved within 24 hours. The third dog showed no systemic reaction to the overdosage. Clinical observations in healthy beagle dogs after receiving up to 3X the recommended dose included tremors, lethargy, unsteadiness/ataxia, restlessness, panting, shallow and labored respiration, rales, severe salivation, and vomiting which progressed to respiratory distress, collapse, cyanosis, stupor, and death.

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