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5 Signs You’ve Found a Great Vet Clinic

vet clinic for cats

I would like to tell you that every veterinary clinic on the face of this planet is equally amazing and you could walk into any one and be perfectly satisfied, but I’m not that naïve. Some practice better medicine than others. Some just have a staff you identify with easier than others. There’s no magic formula for determining if you’re going to like a clinic, but based on my own experience and preferences, here’s my Top 5 Ways to know you’ve found the right practice:

1.The front desk staff greets you warmly.

Ever walk into an office and stand by the front desk for what seems like forever? It doesn’t make you feel very welcome. A well-trained staff member will acknowledge you with a smile and eye contact, even if he or she is assisting another client.

Good customer service training reflects on every aspect of the clinic’s management, and your first impression will remain with you no matter how wonderful everyone else in the clinic is. Everyone has a bad day here and there, but if you notice a pattern of indifferent or panicked staffers at the front, that could be a sign of what’s going on in the back as well.

2. Appointments run on time.

Your time is valuable. While everyone understands that in a veterinary clinic emergencies happen and sometimes things run over, it’s a reasonable expectation that most of the time you are seen in a timely manner. If the doctor is running late due to an unforeseen emergency, it’s fair to expect an update and, if necessary, the chance to drop off your pet or reschedule the appointment

A chronic pattern of running behind may indicate the clinic is overbooking or understaffed, and you may not get the attention you deserve.

3. The veterinarian explains the diagnosis in a way you can understand.

A good veterinarian will arrive at the proper diagnosis and treatment plan. A great one will make sure you understand what that is. For all the years we spend in school, sometimes that communication skill is sorely lacking.

A veterinarian who doesn’t always explain things thoroughly isn’t necessarily a dealbreaker if you love them otherwise, but it can make things more challenging. Sometimes a well trained technician is the one to step in and explain things, and other times you are able to ask the questions you need to make sure you understand everything that’s going on.

4. The staff is available to answer questions.

“Do you have any questions?” should always be something you hear at a veterinary exam. If you don’t, feel free to ask them anyway. A good staff will want you to leave the visit confident in the course of action that took place that day. If you are unclear about a test on an estimate or a charge on the bill, question it. It gives us an opportunity to explain something that has not been made clear to you.

In addition, calls to the clinic should be returned in a timely manner. Sometimes the veterinarian isn’t immediately available, but a technician can speak with you and relay important information. If it may take longer than usual to receive a response, expect an estimate of when to receive communication- as in, “This test takes about a week to get results on, so if you haven’t heard from us by next Wednesday, give us a call.”

5. You have the opportunity to provide feedback.

No place of business will be able to improve without the opportunity to provide feedback. Be it survey cards, questionnaires, or even a place on the web to provide reviews, a good clinic will seek out feedback about your experience so they can make the next one even better.

There’s many more indicators of a great clinic than these five, but they’ll put you on the right track. Have a veterinary clinic you’d follow to the ends of the earth? What do they do that’s amazing?

Finding the right pet boarding facility

A lot of these same principles apply to finding a pet daycare or boarding facility that is the best for your furry friend. For our readers in the North East, we recommend Paw Haven as we think it is the best cat & dog boarding/daycare facility in New Haven!


  1. Bryson Owens

    My son has a new cat that he is trying to take care of but he needs help. He has never had a pet before so I think it’s a good idea for him to go see a vet. I’ll let him know that he needs to find a place that has excellent customer service.

  2. Braden Bills

    My wife and I recently rescued a dog from the shelter, and we want to make sure that we take good care of him. It makes sense that we would want to find a vet that we can take him to if he needs any checkups! I’ll be sure that we find a vet that has a comforting attitude. That seems like a good way to tell if someone will take care of you and your dog.

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