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Kodkod Cat Facts (Güiña cat)

endangered kodkod cat

Where do kodkod cats live?

The kodkod cat, also known as the Güiña cat, is one of the 33 small wildcat species in the world. Kodkod cats live primarily in southeastern Chile and in a small area of western Argentina. The kodkod cat usually lives in moderate rain forests, but due to deforestation and global warming some have been forced to migrate to secondary forests.

How many kodkod cats are there in the world?

Animal experts predict that there are around 10,000 Kodkod cats living in the world right now. However, that number is a rough estimate since the kodkod cats live in dense rain forests and do tend to hide when humans come around.

Why is the kodkod cat endangered

Technically, the kodkod cat is listed as a Vulnerable species. Although the kodkod cat is not considered endangered yet, their population has been steadily decreasing over the last couple years due to deforestation, global warming, and increased predation from bigger animals.

Can you own a kodkod cat?

Even if you are somehow able to get your hands on a kodkod cat, you cannot legally own a kodkod cat since it is an exotic animal that is listed as a vulnerable species. In fact, there is only one place in the world that holds kodkod cats. That is a wildlife reserved in Chile called Fauna Andina, which rehabilitates and cares for kodkod cats that have been injured in the wild.

How big are kodkod cats?

Kodkod cats are about half the size of a regular domestic house cat. With adult guina cats weighing no more than 5.5 pounds, kodkod cats are the smallest cat in all of North and South America. Adult kodkod cats are usually 17 inches long and have a tail that is only 8-9 inches long.

What do kodkods eat? How do kodkod cats hunt?

kodkod cat hunting in tree guina cat in a tree

Kodkod cats are carnivores. They eat a wide range of animals including lizards, frogs, birds, rabbits, and other small rodents. Kodkod cats are great tree climbers, which is where they usually attack birds. Due to their grayish brown fur color, they blend in perfectly with trees which allow them to sneak up on their prey. The kodkod cat uses its above average eyesight and sense of smell to track down its prey.

Are kodkod cats dangerous to people?

Kodkod cats are not dangerous to humans. Due to their small size, they can not do a lot of damage to a human and there are no records of kodkods injuring humans. Kodkod are extremely helpful at maintain a healthy farm, as they are great hunters of rodents such as moles.

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