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Why Does My Cat Sleep On My Chest?

Why Does My Cat Sleep On My Chest

Have you ever wondered why your cat would rather sit or snuggle up on your chest than take up the available space beside you on the sofa or the bed?

There are a good number of theories and speculations behind this distinct behavior of the felines. And it is no doubt that a handful of them could be right, while the others could be just what they are – mere speculations. But whichever they are, let us get on with them.

The following are some guesses and theories that could explain the reason(s)you have your cat laying on your chest instead of by your side on the couch or bed.

Why does my cat sleep on my chest?

  • In Search Of Warmth: It is common knowledge that cats love warm places. They are attracted to warm spots, whether indoors or outside. Cats can lay under the heat of the sun while relaxing outdoors or under whichever window that allows the most amount of sunlight, when indoors. It doesn’t matter if they are only looking to relax a bit or to sleep, felines would always seek out the warmest spots. And because your body produces and gives off heat in large amounts, especially your chest, which houses the heart, your cat is naturally drawn to you and instinctively, your chest where it enjoys to snuggle and take some rest.
  • Seeking Out Comfort: The human chest naturally feels soft and comfy to rest. The fact that babies usually seem comfortable and tend to sleep off easily when held to the chest tightly is a clear indication that the human chest is a cozy spot to rest. So, when your cat jumps on to your chest to relax a little, it might just be seeking some comfort.
  • Maybe It’s Your Scent: Cats have a strong sense of smell. Their learning is mostly driven by smell. Cats can tell whether or not a person, place, or thing is familiar from their peculiar scents. Felines feel calm and relaxed by the familiar smells of their favorite people, other animals they love, and even the clothing and items of those they are endeared. Thus, because your chest and neck area are those parts of your body that smells strongly of you, your furry friend loves to take that spot to get a better smell of you.
  • Show Of Affection: It could be that your cat is only trying to be affectionate towards you when it climbs on your chest to sit on top of you. Yes, you read that correctly! Your cat sometimes want to express that it cares about you, and laying on your chest could be one right way to show it.
  • It Could Be Your Bodily Sounds And Movements: Your cat could be drawn to your chest because of the soothing sounds that come from your bodily rhythms. The sound of your beating heart, the gentle rise and fall of your chest as you breathe in and out, the gentle squirms and mild rumbles from your stomach and other bodily organs as the work, all create a calming rhythm, which can even serve as a lullaby to your cat.

The above are just a few of the views about why your cat loves to snuggle on your chest. Therefore, as a cat lover, though you might not have a clear understanding about this quirky cat behavior, you should remember that cats are social animals. Hence, they crave to stay in constant touch with humans, particularly those they love. And so, laying on your chest could be your cat’s way of getting to keep in contact and express its affection towards you.

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