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Why Does My Cat Have Eye Boogers All The Time

Why Does My Cat Have Eye Boogers All The Time

If you own a cat, you might have noticed that they often have eye boogers resting just below their eyes. While this might cause you to worry, most of the time this is not a problem. In today’s article, we are going to discuss why cats always have eye boogers, and certain illnesses that might be causing it.

Why does my cat have eye boogers all the time?

The reason cats have eye boogers all the time is due to the shape of their face. Since their nose and cheeks spread outward, it causes all of the excess water from the eyes to get trapped directly below the eyes. If the discharge is not wiped away, it will most likely dry and harden into eye boogers. 

It is important to wipe your cat’s eye boogers right when you see them. If left unattended, the eye boogers will actually block even more eye discharge and cause more eye boogers to form. While most of the time eye boogers are not a sign of a health problem, there could be something wrong. If you have to wipe away your cat’s eye boogers more than 3 times a day, then there might be something wrong with your cat’s eyes.

Eye diseases that cause eye boogers in cats

Below are some of the most common illnesses and diseases that cause your cat to have eye boogers.


This is a very popular cause of eye boogers, especially during the spring and pollen season. Your cat’s eyes will become irritated from the presence of an allergen. In response, your cat’s eyes will produce more water in order to soothe the irritation. This in turn can cause a build up of eye boogers. 


Sinusitis could also be causing your cat to have more eye boogers than normal. This occurs when there is swelling at the bottom of your cat’s eye where the tear drainage system is located. This swelling can lead to more excess tears getting stuck on your cat’s face.

Lodging of foreign object

Another common thing that is known to produce more tears in cats is when a small object gets stuck in your cat’s eye or eyelid. This can be dirt, dust, or any small substance. Your cat produces more tears in order to wash the substance away.


Conjunctivitis can also increase the amount of discharge from your cat’s eye. This occurs when there is a scratch or incision in your cat’s eye. This can be very dangerous and even lead to blindness if not treated quickly.

If you think your cat may be suffering from any of these causes, then you should take him/her to the vet immediately. The sooner the cause is discovered, the better the chance of a quick recovery.

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