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Why Do Kittens Sleep On Top Of Each Other

Why Do Kittens Sleep On Top Of Each Other

Kittens have many strange behaviors and tendencies that can sometimes leave us scratching our head. In today’s article, we are going to discuss kitten’s sleeping habits. In particular, we are going to explain why kittens sleep on top of each other. Hopefully, by the end of this article you will realize that this behavior is completely normal and natural for kittens.

Why do kittens sleep on top of each other?

They main reasons why kittens sleep on top of each other are to preserve body heat, feeling of security, companionship, and comfort. 

Preserve body heat

Unlike a human’s temperature of 98.6 F, a cat’s healthy body temperature is between 100 and 102.5 degrees fahrenheit. Since that is considerably higher than humans, cats and kittens require more warmth to stay healthy. While their fur definitely helps keep them warm, they still must take many measures to maintain a warm body temperature. Therefore, kittens sleep on top of each other to stay warm and keep a healthy body temperature. 

Feeling of Security

When kittens are sleeping on top of each other, they feel a sense of security. This is why kittens will often snuggle up with one another underneath their mother’s stomach. This is a behavior that stems back to when cats were living in the wild. The mother would cuddle all of her kittens together to keep them safe from predators. 


Kittens will also sleep on top of each other because it makes them feel united with their siblings. When kittens are still in the womb of their mother, they are also curled up next to each other. Therefore, sleeping on top of each other helps kittens keep a strong bond between each other. 


Lastly, kittens sleep on top of each other because it is comfortable. Sleeping on top of each other gives them a nice, soft area to lay their body and rest their head. This is a lot more comfortable than laying on a hard, solid ground. By sleeping on top of each other, kittens are essentially using each other as blankets, mattresses, and pillows.

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