Why do cats like green olives?
You may have experienced your cat running to your side when you open a can of olives. Cats like green olives because they contain the chemicals isoprenoids and pimentos, which have similar chemical makeups to the ingredients found in catnip. Therefore, the smell of olives and olive juice can make your cat go crazy.
Cats are more obsessed with the smell of the olive juice opposed to the taste, which is why some cats will just play with the olive like a cat toy. However, it is not uncommon for a cat to eat an olive.
Can cats eat green olives?
Cats can eat green olives, but we recommend only giving them to your cat in moderation. Additionally, olives that are plain and unsalted can be healthy snacks for your cat. While it is not dangerous to feed your cat a couple olives, it may be best to simply buy cat food or cat treats that are olive flavored.
Are olives toxic for cats? Can cats eat olives or olive oil? Can cats have olives?
Cats can eat olives as they are not toxic and do not pose significant health risks.
Olive Cat Food
Farmers Market released the first ever all natural cat food that is flavored with Olive Oil. We got this cat food for our cat Stripey and he went absolutely crazy over it. It is a great deal and can be purchased on Chewy.com for only $16.99.

Are olives bad for cats?
Even though cats can have olives, we recommend reading the health effects below. It is important to know that in moderation, olives are not bad for cats. However, unlike dogs that are omnivores and eat a mix of plant and meat sources, cats are true omnivores and only eat meat-diets.
Therefore, plants and specifically fruit like olives are not a part of their natural diet. The health benefits of olives (Vitamin E, sodium, calcium, fiber, iron, and copper) are all commonly found in meats that are consumed by cats. Therefore, olives are safe for cats.
Are olives unhealthy for cats?
Although there are no associated health risks in moderation, a large quantity of olives can cause health risks. If your cat consumes a lot of olives that have been soaked in brine (which contains high sodium content), it may get sodium poisoning which can cause vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea. We strongly recommend reading the article what can cats not eat.
Green olives which tend to have pits in them can also be dangerous to your cat. This is because there is the possibility of your cat choking on the pit. While cats mostly just play, chew, and scratch olives, you should still keep a close eye on olives with pits.
Additionally, if your cat has been diagnosed with diabetes, it is probably best that you don’t let him/her eat olives. This is because olives have been known to cause insulin sensitivity in diabetic cats.
What is the difference between a green and black olive? Are they healthy?
As a common household ingredient, olives frequently find their way into many dishes such as pizza, chicken, sandwiches, and many kinds of oil. The difference between a green and black olive is dependent on when it was picked and how the olive was stored. As an olive ripens, it turns from a natural green color to a darker purple and then to black, becoming softer and less bitter.
Olives are very healthy for humans as they contain essential vitamins. These vitamins include Vitamin E, as well as sodium, calcium, fiber, iron, and copper. There are no significant nutritional differences between a green and black olive.
Do you recommend feeding your cat olives?
Since there is no significant health benefit for cats to eat olives and since they are not a part of their natural diet, I would not intentionally feed olives to your cats. Simply put, while olives have some health benefits for humans, the health benefits for cats is not significant because these nutrients are found in most dog foods. They are not exceptionally dangerous to your cat. If an olive happens to end up on the floor and your cat consumes it, there is no need to worry.
Just make sure to keep an eye on your cat and if it develops any symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, or trouble breathing, we recommend visiting your vet. Also, contact your vet immediately if you think your cat has choked on an olive pit. To be safe, we don’t recommend using olives as treats. Instead, we recommend purchasing cat treats from stores like Walmart that your cat is sure to love!
Interestingly enough, olive oil can come in handy if your cat is a big scratcher. If your cat has scratched some of your furniture, I recommend reading our article how to repair cat scratches on leather with olive oil?
Additionally, you can use olive oil for cat mats.
Instead of olives, I would recommend feeding your cat banana bread.
Olive Flavored Treats for Cats
Here is a list of some of our favorite olive flavored cat treats. Similar to catnip, your cat will likely go crazy over these treats.
Olive and Catnip Flavored Treats
Olive and Catnip Flavored Treats can be purchased from Amazon for $11

Olive & Suds: 100% Natural Unscented Hypoallergenic Essential Oils Pet SHAMPOO for Dogs & Cats (Made with Organic Aloe Vera, Rosemary, and Coconut)

Olive (Olea europaea) Organic Dried Leaf VETERINARY Natural Alcohol-FREE Liquid Extract, Pet Herbal Supplement

Other foods to keep an eye on
I recommend checking out this list of foods cats can’t eat.