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Why Do Cats Hate Each Other When They First Meet

Why Do Cats Hate Each Other When They First Meet

Introducing a new cat to your home can be a very exciting experience. You will inevitably have more activity and action in your house. While getting a new cat is almost always a positive experience, there are some things you must take into consideration. One of the most important things is to acknowledge that this is a big transition for your other cat, especially if your cat was all alone before. The first meeting between two cats is extremely important for their future relationship. That is why today we are going to answer a question we are frequently asked, why do cats not get along the first time they meet.

Why do cats hate each other when they first meet?


While it is not true for all cats, a vast majority of cats are solitary animals. While they certainly enjoy human company, they usually prefer being alone. That is why cats frequently go out and explore by themselves. Cats like to always be in control, and when they meet another cat it throws them off from their solitude. 


Cat’s are very territorial. They love having their own space, and most of the time they do not appreciate it when other animals or humans interfere with their area. When a cat enters another cat’s territory, it is interpreted as an invasion of policy and possibly a threat. That is why cats will usually display hatred to each other when one cat enters the territory of another. 


Cats are naturally animals of habit. Whether it is their daily meal routine, exploring outside, or snuggling up with you, cat’s really enjoy doing things that they are used to. That is why cats can become very anxious, and sometimes violent, when there is a big change in their life that breaks up their routine. This is why a lot of cats will freak out when you switch around furniture. When a cat first meets another cat, it is quite possible that they will initially hate each other because the introduction of a new cat is a bigger digression from their familiar routine. 

Rough Play

Another reason that it might seem that cats hate each other is because they like to play rough. This is especially true for younger cats, who thoroughly enjoy wrestling with each other. In some cases they will even softly nibble at each other. The main difference between rough play and hatred is the cat’s demeanor. If two cats hate each other, they will likely hiss at each other and try to scratch.


Another reason cats hate each when they first meet is because of hormones. This can be in both boy and girl cats. In female cats, they usually have high hormone levels when they are ovulating. Similar to humans, female cats also have “their time of the month” where they can be overly anxious and aggressive. Similarly, male cats can be very aggressive when they are trying to find a mate. Their testosterone levels are through the rough, and when they see another cat (especially another male cat), they will possibly act out in violence and hatred.

Best way to introduce a new cat

The best way to introduce a new cat is to remember to treat all your cats equally. This can be hard because you are naturally very interested in your new pet. However, if your old cat senses that you are giving the new cat more love and attention, it can cause the cat to be jealous and develop hatred not only for the new cat, but also towards you. 

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