What is a primordial pouch
A primordial couch is located at the bottom of your cat’s belly, just in front of their back legs. The pouch is made of primarily excess skin, and sometimes fat. The primordial pouch is most noticeable when a cat is walking, as it slowly hangs and swings from side to side.
When do cats develop primordial pouch?
While all cats are born with primordial pouches, they usually don’t become developed and visible until the cat is at least 2 years of age. At this point, the cat is fully grown, meaning the primordial pouch will also be fully developed. However, the primordial pouch can grow if the cat becomes overweight.

How to tell the difference between a primordial pouch and fat?
At first glance, a primordial pouch might be confused with excess fat. While the primordial pouch can hold some excess fat, it is primarily made from excess skin and it does not mean the cat is overweight. The main way to tell the difference between a primordial pouch and fat is when a cat is in movement. If a cat is walking, a primordial pouch will swing from side to side when they move. On the contrary, excess fat will stay closer to the body and not swing out as much.
Cat breeds with primordial pouches?
While there are many breeds that develop them, there are specific cat breeds that are known for having big primordial pouches. These breeds include Egyptian Mau, British Shorthaired, American bobtail, and Bengal breeds. Primordial These specific breeds tend to have primordial pouches because they usually have less fur and more excess of skin.
Why do cats have primordial pouches?
The main reason cats have primordial pouches is to store extra fat, increased flexibility, and protection.
Extra fat
As we mentioned earlier, a cat uses their primordial pouch to store excess fat. This can be very beneficial for a cat in the wild, as it provides them reserve energy if they are unable to find food. Since most domestic cats are fed an adequate amount of food, the primordial pouch is usually just excess skin. You can learn more about this in my article how to get a cat to lose weight.
Increased flexibility
The extra layer of skin provided by the primordial pouch actually make the cat more flexible. It allows them to spread their legs out further when they run. This allows them to run faster and for longer distances.
Lastly, a primordial pouch is used as protection. It is located below some of the cats most important organs. If a cat is in a fight with another cat or animal, the primordial pouch protects these organs from becoming punctured. This is very important, as attacking cats and other predators usually have sharp claws and teeth.
Primordial pouch in male cats
A common misconception is that primordial pouches are formed when a cat is pregnant, and thus only occurs in female cats. However, as you read above, the formation of primordial pouches have nothing to do with pregnancy. Therefore, male cats develop primordial pouches. In fact, male cats tend to develop bigger primordial pouches compared to female cats.
Should you be worried if your cat has a primordial pouch?
Absolutely not. As we mentioned above, a primordial pouch is completely natural and should not be a concern. It is not even a sign that your cat is overweight. If you are worried that your cat is overweight, the best thing to do is weigh your cat and then consult your vet. It is important to note that a cat that has lost a lot of weight will likely have a bigger than normal primordial pouch. This is similar to when a fast person loses weight and has stretch marks.
While it is visibly unpleasing, it is not a sign of any medical disorder. It is also common for older cats to have bigger primordial pouches. This is because older cats tend to lose weight at then end of their life, resulting in excess skin.
The only time you should be worried is if the primordial pouch is so large that it drags against the ground when your cat walks. In some rare cases, a cat may be able to grow its primordial pouch to an unhealthy level. If your cat is restricted in movement by the pouch in any way, then you should consult a vet. There is a chance they might have to perform an operation to remove some of the excess fat or skin.
An extra large primordial pouch can also be a sign of another medical issue, such as a tumor. If you suspect this is the case, you should take your cat to the vet immediately.