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How To Hydrate A Cat With Syringe?

How To Hydrate A Cat With Syringe

Are you a cat owner and looking for ways to hydrate your cat? Do they refuse to drink from their water bowl but still seem thirsty? There are other options! Cat owners can use a syringe to help keep their cat hydrated. This technique is easy for cats who don’t like drinking out of bowls.

The best part about this method is that it’s also less messy than trying to pour the liquid down the kitty’s throat. It is also much safer.

How To Give Your Cat Water With A Syringe?

To give a cat water with a syringe, wrap your cat in a blanket. Next, put the syringe on the side of the mouth just pass the tooth line and gently release the water.

While you might be able to manage by yourself, it is best that two people help give a cat water with a syringe.

Cats get irritated when someone tries to hold them tightly. When you’re ready to handle the feline, wrap them up in their favorite blanket and pet gently so that they become comfortable. Next, slowly bring in a cup filled with water along with a syringe- this will make it easier.

The water you are giving them should be at room temperature, and the syringe should be new and sanitized. You will need to fill the syringe with water and draw up a small amount. Your partner should hold the cat while you fill up the syringe so that the cat doesn’t run away.

Once you have sufficient liquid in the syringe, put the tip of the syringe on the side of your cat’s mouth. It is important that you keep your cat’s head as level as possible. If your cat’s head is tilted too far up, it could cause the water to fall into their airways.

Next, slowly slide the syringe into your cat’s mouth. You will want it to go about half an inch past your cat’s tooth. Don’t stick it in too far, as this can cause your cat to gag.

Once the syringe is set, slowly release the water into your cat’s mouth. Make sure you release it very slowly so that your cat doesn’t gag or throw up. If your cat accepts the water, repeat the process until they have had enough water.

Afterwards, I suggest you give your cat a treat.

If your cat doesn’t like to drink from the water bowl, you should check out my article on how to get a cat to drink from a fountain.

Why Do Cats Need Hydration Therapy?

One of the most dangerous effects of a cat not drinking enough water is dehydration. When cats use or lose more fluids than they take in, an imbalance occurs, and their bodies cannot perform optimally as normal, leading to serious health issues.

Dehydration is a very common medical condition in cats. You should know that dehydration can be caused by more than just not drinking enough water.  It can occur due to excessive use of medicines or nursing kittens.

It is very important for sick cats to drink a lot of water. If your cat has a UTI, you should read my article on How to Get Your Cat with Urinary Tract Disease to Drink More Water?

It is also important to know they signs of dehydration in cats. To learn more, check out my article on how can I tell if my cat is dehydrated?

Why is my cat not drinking water?

There are many reasons why your cat is not drinking water. If you have an older cat, there is a chance that they have decreased mobility due to old age. They might not be physically able to reach the water bowl. If you suspect this is the case, you should move the water bowl to the room where your cat spends the most time.

Your cat might also avoid the water bowl due to its location. There might be something that scares them from from approaching the area where the water bowl is, such as another pet or animal. I’ve also heard of cats that avoid water bowls because they were located in the laundry room, and cats can be afraid of the sound of a dryer or washing machine.

Lastly, your water bowl might not be easily accessible for your cat. You want to ensure that your cat can easily stick their head into the bowl at all times. Sometimes bowls are too deep so cats can only reach the water when it is at the very top.

How Much Water To Feed Your Cat If You Are Syringe Feeding Them?

Keep in mind that if you are syringe-feeding a cat, they may either be sick or too weak to drink water themselves. If this is the case, then it’s important to take your process slowly and give them small drinks of fluid gradually over time. You should start with giving them 2 to 4 cc of water per pound of their body weight.

It will take some time for your cat to get back the hydration status. Hydration levels depend on a lot of different things, and it can be difficult if they’re not 100% yet. But being a cat parent, you know that you are doing the right thing.

How Much Water Do Cats Need Per Day?

A cat’s thirst is determined by the weight they have and what kind of diet they eat. Cats with a higher body mass will require more water than smaller ones, which can make them dehydrated if not given enough access to fresh water. According to the thumb rule, an adult cat should drink 60 ml of water per kg of their body weight. So if your kitty is 5 kg, she must drink 300ml water on a daily basis.


With the right amount of water and procedure, you can hydrate your cat with a syringe. It’s important to call your vet for advice on how much liquid is best for your kitty, but this is an easy way to ensure they are getting enough fluids when ill or injured cats refuse their bowl of water. Every kitty is different, so not everything will work for them. However, just be patient while doing things gradually. Eventually, something should click in.

The good news is that most cats will usually lick up whatever fluid comes in contact with their mouths.

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