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How to get rid of bacterial bloom in fish tank

How to get rid of bacterial bloom in fish tank

A dirty fish tank can cause stress for both you and your fish. One of the main causes of dirty fish tank water is bacterial bloom. This article will explain what it is, as well as how to get rid of bacterial bloom.

What is Bacterial Bloom

Bacteria bloom is refers to clouded or dirty water. Bacterial bloom usually occurs around 48 hours after you have added fish and feed them a couple times.

What causes bacterial bloom

Bacterial bloom is caused by an increase in the level of ammonia and the increased presence of bacteria and organic decay. This bacterium is formed from the waste of your fish and sometimes from extra food collecting on the bottom of your fish tank. Bacterial bloom can also be cause by dying plants, gravel dust, and other small particles of debris.

How long does bacterial bloom last?

On its own, bacterial bloom can cause a cloudy tank for 7 to 10 days. However, this number can vary depending on the size of the tank, number of fish, type of filter, etc. Sometimes, bacterial bloom does not go away on its own. Unfortunately, simply increasing the cycles on your fish tank filter does not help get rid of bacterial bloom.

Bacterial bloom can be very frustrating because it ruins the aesthetics of your entire fish tank. If your bacterial bloom is not going away, take the steps listed below.

How to get rid of Bacterial Bloom in fish tank?

 Here are the best ways to get rid of Bacterial Bloom in your fish tank:

  • Remove all dying plants and uneaten food from the fish tank
  • Regularly perform water changes
  • Reduce the amount of food you give your fish. You should only do this if you notice extra food sitting on the bottom of your tank
  • If you have other fish tanks, you may want to remove some of the fish in case your tank is over crowded.
  • The best and easiest way to remove bacterial bloom is with a Water Clarifier. Water Clarifiers can be bought on amazon for less than 5$. The water clarifier is phosphate free and is safe to use in any freshwater fish tank. It does not harm your fish or plants and it does not affect the ph level of the water in your aquarium.
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