When your cat comes home from the spay surgery, it needs peace, rest, and limited activity for about two weeks.
Your vet will probably give you a cone, also known as an e-collar, to put on your cat while she recuperates. Yes, your feline buddy will hate it. Her adorable eyes will implore you to take it off. But, don’t give in. This collar prevents your kitty from licking or scratching at her spay incision and opening it up.
How Long to Keep Cone on Cat After Spay?
Many experts suggest that you should keep a cat’s cone on for at least 10-14 days after surgery. So, your pet should keep the cone on for at least this amount of time.
The cone stops them from biting or licking at their wounds from being scratched or rubbed by the cat. If your cat keeps trying to remove the cone, you should check out my article on what to do if cat won’t keep cone on after spay.
When to take cone off cat after spay?
While by day 5, it can be taken off for short periods under your direct supervision, it’s best to leave it on around the clock.
My favorite cat cones
You can get this cat cone from Chewy for $11.99.

I also love this colorful cone!

It is important to keep a close eye on your cat’s spay incision to make sure it is not inflamed. Sometimes, cats are able to rub their incision against rough objects in order to scratch it. I suggest that you observe the spay incision at least once a day. As a guide, you should check out my article on what should a healing cat spay incision look like?
Your vet might also recommend that you keep your cat confined after a spay. They usually recommend this if you have a multi-pet house hold. To learn more, check out my article on how long to keep cat confined after spay.
Is a cone necessary after spaying a cat?
After your feline companion has had surgery, you must keep them restricted for fourteen days. Restrictions involve no running, jumping, playing, bathing, or being left unattended in the backyard. As the wound heals, your cat will become itchier in the wound’s area.
The best way to prevent licking is by leaving your cat’s cone on at all times. Your cat may seem uneasy, but it’s better to leave the cone on to prevent licking and scratching. If your cat is having a hard time keeping the cone on, another option is to make a little shirt for your kitty that covers her incision so she can’t pick at it.
You should make sure that your cat is still able to access their food with the cone on, as cats usually have an increased appetite after getting spayed.
Pro tip: Some cats are very good at escaping the cone. In such cases, the more secure fastening of the cone or e-collar may be necessary. However, you should make sure that the cone is not too tight around the neck so your cat can still breathe.
How to know when to take off the cone?
For most cats, spay skin incisions are fully healed within 10–14 days. This coincides with the time that stitches or staples, if any, will need to be removed.
Here is how you will know your cat’s spay incision is healed:
- All the redness is gone from the incision.
- No staples or sutures are needed to hold the cat’s wound together.
- There should be no inflammation or tenderness on or near the incision area.
- The incision area should be free of all discharge.
Final thoughts
Keep in mind that the main function of the cone is PROTECTION. It is important to check the spay incision twice a day to make sure it is healing properly. If the incision swells or appears open or inflamed, call your vet immediately. For the time it takes the wound to heal, your cat should be kept from leaping on cupboards, furniture, or other high areas.
Ideally, you should keep the cone on until your cat is fully healed or the sutures are removed. The average recovery time for a neuter/spay surgery is about 10 to 14 days for both male and female cats.
Spaying your cat is an essential part of pet ownership nowadays. Just give your cat about two weeks of loving care while she recuperates. You will be rewarded with years of loving companionship with no fear of your cat getting pregnant.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
Until next time friends!