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How Long Does a Cat Hold a Grudge?

How Long Does a Cat Hold a Grudge

Cats are genuinely marvelous beings with their sassy character and adorable looks. Billions of people like cats all around the world, and why shouldn’t they? After all, cats are balls of fur sent directly from the heavens to make our lives full of laughter.

However, they can come with a serious attitude problem. That’s exactly what makes them so interesting and likable. But the question arises whether a cat can hold a grudge? And if they can hold a grudge, then for how long?

Cat Memory

The length of time a cat holds a grudge is actually directly related to their memory. Similar to humans, cats have two categories of memory: working memory and long term memory.

Working memory

Working memory is the measurement of how much stuff an individual can remember at a given time. Cats don’t do very well when it comes to working memory, as proven by various research experiments performed with cats. Common examples of such tests include where cats are shown a toy and are expected to pick that toy from a group of toys.

If a delay of more than 30 seconds occurs between the choosing process, then a cat will most likely not remember what cat toy he/she was shown. The majority of cats are not able to remember the toy in this situation, which proves that cats don’t have a very good working memory.

Long Term Memory

Long-term memory is the capability of remembering events and stuff that happened a long time ago.

Studies are somewhat spotty when it comes to cats and long-term memory. Most internet searches will tell you that cats have a long-term memory spanning for about 16 hours, but that is just based on a disputed study done back in 1964.

In modern studies, cats retained the memory of thought responses for a range of 4 hours to 2 days. Obviously, this is a wide range, which just goes to show there are many variables at play when it comes to a cat’s long term memory.

Additionally, the long term memory of a cat will vary significantly based on breed, age, and environment.

But what about Grudges?

Grudge is defined as the deep-seated feeling of ill will from a past result. The capability of holding a grudge is directly dependent on the memory and intelligence of the animal in question. For comparison, it is reported that an adult cat usually has the same intelligence level as a 2-3 year old human baby. 

It all means that cats have the required mental capacity to hold grudged, but they can’t hold grudges for very long as their long-term memory of specific events lasts for up to two days.

How Long Does a Cat Hold a Grudge?

Most of the time, a cat will not hold a grudge for longer than a couple hours.

So, the myth of cats holding their grudge for over 16 years is undoubtedly false.

Cats also don’t hold grudges in the traditional sense of it. While we perceive grudges as a desire to hurt someone, for cats, grudges essentially translate to a lesson for what not to do.

If you were to scold your cat for breaking something, then it’s doubtful that your cat will stay angry at you for 16 hours, but he will undoubtedly be wary of breaking anything in the future in front of you.

In worst cases, your cat may try to avoid you if they are currently holding a grudge against you. However, this will certainly not last for long.

What to do if your cat has a grudge against you?

The best thing to do if your cat has a grudge against you is to give them some treats or some of their favorite food. When my cat gets upset, I give her some wet cat food. You can also buy her a new toy to distract her.

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