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Can Spaying a Dog Help With Aggression

Can Spaying a Dog Help With Aggression

Spaying a dog is a very big decision that has important implications. While we generally recommend that people spay their dog, it is not the best thing to do 100%. While there are pros and cons on both sides, today we are going to explore how spaying a dog can affect its aggression. 

Can Spaying a Dog Help With Aggression

Yes, spaying a dog can definitely help with aggression. When a dog experiences her time of the month, it is called going into heat (Canine Estrus Cycle). While it is similar to what a woman goes through on her period on a monthly basis, dogs usually go into heat around two times a year. When this happens, a dog experiences a huge shift in hormone levels. This causes her to be a lot more nervous, and also alert. In turn, this can cause your dog to become very stressed. When dogs are stressed, it is common for them to display aggressive behavior toward both humans and other dogs. It can also be painful for a dog to go into heat, which could also result in her displaying aggressive behavior.

It is also common for unspayed dogs to be aggressive against other female dogs. This is because they view other female dogs as competition in regard to finding a male mate. They might lash out against other female dogs in order to assert their dominance. An unspayed mate may also be aggressive toward male dogs to prove that they are strong and worthy of being a mother. This can result in a lot of aggression extended over a long period of time, since a female dog is usually in heat for around 18 days.

If you get your dog spayed, you don’t have to worry about any of these aggressive tendencies. This is because a dog that is spayed no longer goes into heat. This means that she won’t experience the crazy shift in hormones, and also won’t try to compete with other dogs to find a mate. Therefore, spaying a dog can certainly help with aggression.

When can you get your dog spayed

A dog will usually go into heat for the first time when she is between the ages of half a year to two years old. It is usually recommended to get a dog spayed before she has her first menstrual cycle. However, there are so exceptions, so it is best to consult your veterinarian 

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