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Bringing a Kitten Home for The First Time: Checklist

Bringing a Kitten Home for The First Time: Checklist

So you are looking Kitten for sale and want to bring her home. Well, it is the best decision as a kitten, especially Persian kitten can be your best buddy. You will have an extra family member and also you will never feel alone. Well, if this is going to be your first time, then there might be many questions running in your mind like how much should kitten sleep, what kind of toys you should bring to her, what will be her daily routine, and so on. Well, you must know all these things before bringing a kitten to your home. It will help you know and understand you pet in a better way. We have got 10 tips for you that you should follow while bringing a kitten home.

Bringing a kitten home for the first time checklist

Prepare to bring them home

If you are looking for a Persian kitten for sale and have bought the one, then you should take care of bringing them home. Keep them in a neat and clean carrier, and make sure not to make noise. If you are bringing them via car, keep them on the flat surface of the car and cover it with a cloth. You should drive carefully, preventing all the bumps. Go straight towards your home avoiding going to the shop.

Give them space in your home

Once you have brought the kitten to your home, give them space to get friendly. Open the carrier and let it take a tour of your place. They will find their comfort zone before going to bed. When they have strolled a lot, give them a little cuddle and see if they need rest.

Introduce With Your Family

When bringing a kitten home, you should introduce your pet to everyone so that it can easily get friendly in your family. Cats typically need more time to get comfortable with new ones. Allow you cats to play with everyone to create familiarity with every family member.

Let Them Sleep Well

Kittens love to sleep, and you should allow them plenty of it. After taking a tour to your home, they must be tired now. Make a proper arrangement for your cat bedtime that should be warm, quiet, and a little darker. 

Don’t Force Them for Food

You will notice it many times that your cat denies food. It happens when they are a bit stressed, therefore you should not get surprised while seeing their behavior. Give them a little space, and soon their appetite will be better. 

Keep A Little Tray For Them

Place the little tray near to your cat that is easily accessible for her. It should not be way from her room, bed, and feeding area. Keep checking on the tray for her litter or solids and clean them hand to hand. Make sure you have more than one litter tray to avoid toilet issues. 

Don’t Let Them Go Out in Initial Days

Keep you new kitten indoors in the initial days as they are too small to go outside. Let them know the things, take smells of different items, and know the environment. Make sure you shut the door every time you get in and out. Take them out only if you are confident. In case you are not sure, talk to your veteran surgeon and he will be happy to help you.

Give Them Time to Settle in

Make sure to give them time to settle in new surroundings. Help them to follow a daily routine with you. When you will spend quality time with your kittens, it will get easier for them to be friendly. This is necessary not only for their friendly behavior but also to create a bond with your pet.

Make Your Home Pet-Proof

You have to be careful once you bring a kitten to your home. You need to remove all the material from the floor that can hurt her; also, you need to take care of the electrical wires or cords that can put her in danger. Keep the toilet lid closed, and also make sure you shut the door every time you get in and out. 

Keep Your Kitten Healthy and Happy

Playing with your kitten daily will make her active. A proper diet and a bit of exercise can keep her healthy and happy. Get her bath regularly and maintain proper hygiene. You should also buy grooming tools to comb her long hairs. 

So, now you know how you have to deal with your kitten once it is at home. If you don’t have a cat and decided to buy one, then is the best platform where Kitten for sale is available. They have different breeds of a kitten that you can choose as per you desire. They also provide training to cats if you hire them as a veteran. 

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