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Where to Buy Methimazole for Cats

Where to Buy Methimazole for Cats

What does Methimazole for cats do?

Methimazole is one of the leading medicines in treating hyperthyroidism in cats. Hyperthyroidism is the most common endocrine disorder in cats, and can have drastic effects on your cats metabolism.

Methimazole works by stabilizing the thyroid (which is located in your cat’s throat) to a normal level. Methimazole helps relieve some of the most common symptoms in hyperthyroidism, such as fatigue and loss of appetite.

Where to buy methimazole for cats?

The cheapest place to buy methimazole is from chewy pharmacy. If you visit the Methimazole page through this link, and add the item to your cart, you can use the promo code RX20 to get 20% off your order of methimazole.

Can I buy methimazole over the counter

Since methimazole has some very serious side effects if given the wrong dose, you can not buy methimazole over the counter. Unfortunately, even if you try to buy methimazole online through an online pet pharmacy, they will require you to submit a prescription from a vet.

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