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6 Cat Behaviors to Worry About and How to Get Rid of Them?

Cat Behaviors to Worry About and How to Get Rid of Them?

Nothing can be more soothing and satisfying than your cat rubbing your legs and looking in your eyes. There are a lot of reasons to love these feline friends, but there are some behavioral issues which are associated with them, and these issues are gigantic. 

It can be irritating and annoying for the pet-owner, but above all of this, it can be very damaging for your four-footed friends. Anxiety, depression, medical issues, physical instability, and lack of attention are some of the potential reasons why cats have bad behaviors. 

But, there’s nothing to worry about. Although these behaviors do exist in feline babies, one can remove them with a bit of care, attention, and love. 

Cat behaviors to worry about and how to get rid of them:

  • Clingy behavior

Dogs are considered clingier than the cats, but a recent study has shown that if your cat is clingy, it’s a genuine concern. When cats receive no attention from their owners, this behavior starts developing in them. Separation anxiety is another possible reason for this bad behavior. 

Many cats suffer from emotional instability, and they often have medical and psychological issues. As a pet-owner, you must be thinking, “why is my cat so clingy?” A cat may have a clingy behavior due to many reasons, including low self-confidence. 

If you have a clingy cat and you want to make your kitty get rid of that behavior, make sure to care for her and take her to a veterinarian for a complete medical checkup. If there are any medical issues, the veterinarian will treat them instantly. 

Moreover, it will give you an idea either your cat has some sort of health-related issues, or it’s just because of separation, anxiety, and other factors. 

  • Beating other cats

inter-cat aggression is an issue that does exist among the cats. Normally, they don’t get along, and there can be numerous reasons. If you haven’t introduced your cats to each other, it may be possible that this behavioral problem starts getting the better of them. 

cat behavior you should worry about

When two cats are living in the same house, they may see each other as a threat or even as a competition. Obviously, they have to share all the resources like food, water, toys, etc. together. They may experience fear factor due to a change in the territory of environments. 

If your cat is beating your other kitties, make sure to introduce them properly and provide adequate resources to all of them. 

  • Scratching herself and the furniture

Self-scratching can be very harmful to kitties because, in that process, there is a chance of damaging the outer surface of their claws. Most of the cats start scratching the furniture, and this is due to the unavailability of scratching surfaces. 

To remove this behavior from your kitties, make sure to provide horizontal cardboard scratchers and carpeted cat trees. These two are the most favorites scratching surfaces for cats, and the bad behavior can be removed as a result of these scratchers. 

Every cat has its own preferences, and as a pet-owner, you need to know what the likes and dislikes are. People think the best possible solution to make a get rid of scratching is declawing, but it’s a wrong perception. 

Declawing results in a lot of pain and suffering for the cat, and it can also trigger some other behavioral issues.  

  • Hiding every-now-and-then

Unlike some aggressive cats, there are some shy and fearful cats too. One of the many reasons for this behavior in your cat could be the lack of socialization. Cats start hiding in the house if other pets are bullying her. 

Children often don’t know how to behave with the kitties, and this is another potential reason why your cat always hide here and there. 

If you brought a new cat to your place, and you think she’s behaving unusual, try to give an environment to calm her nerves. Maybe a bedroom with everything your kitty needs can do the job for you, isn’t it? 

Bring the food to your cat by yourself to start earning trust in her mind. Once you do that, your cat will slowly get rid of this hiding behavior. 

  • Meowing and yowling loudly

One of the bad behaviors that are associated with cats is meowing loudly. If your cat is yowling for a long period of time, there can be a medical issue with her. Constant and loud meowing is the result of pain or disorientation. 

Whenever you see these signs in your kitty, always take her to a professional veterinarian. If there are no medical reasons for this behavior, then it’s certain that your cat is in desperate need of your attention. 

Meowing and yowling are ways of getting much-needed attention. Kitties always need mental stimulation from their owners, and as a pet-owner, it is your ultimate duty to play with your cat to make her comfortable as well as happy.  

  • Aggressive scratching as a result of fear

Most of the cats are fearful of people, and this is because of not being socialized properly. Aggressive scratching is a behavioral problem that arises as a result of misinterpretation when you get to pet your cat. 

Your cat may take it as a threat, and the ultimate response will be to defend itself by biting or scratching. One of the basic behavioral issues which are associated with kitties is “petting-induced” aggression. 

Some kitties have a very little tolerance level in terms of physical contact or petting. If your cat is behaving aggressively, it is recommended to have a keen look at your cat’s body language, so you can avoid a bite or a scratch. 


Cats are one of the cutest pets to have in your house. However, some issues and problems in terms of behavior can be there in these felines. Issues like over-aggression, clinginess, loud meowing, and scratching can be the results of inadequate care and love

Do you know what the best part is? It’s not strenuous to remove these issues from your cats. In order to understand some of the bad behaviors of cats, and how to get rid of them, you can read the aforementioned points. 

What are you waiting for? Go grab your kitty. 

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