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How Long to Keep Cats Separated After Deworming?

How Long to Keep Cats Separated After Deworming?

If you plan on deworming your cat and want to know how long you should keep your cat separated afterwards, then you have stumbled upon the right article.

Should You Keep Cats Separated After Deworming?

Yes, it is important to keep your cats separated after deworming.

This is because parasites can be transmitted very easily between cats. If you don’t separate a cat after it is dewormed, there is a good chance the infected cat will spread the worms to your other healthy pets. In fact, you should separate a cat the moment you suspect they have a worm infestation.

How Long to Keep Cats Separated After Deworming?

The amount of time you must keep your cats separated after deworming is dependent on the type of worms, and the medication used.

You should keep your cats separated until the affected cat is entirely free from any type of parasites. While some medications can eliminate worms in as little as 24 hours, some treatments can take up to 3-4 weeks.

It is extremely important to always thoroughly read the instructions on a deworming medication. Your cat might have an allergic response to the deworming medication, so it is always important to consult your vet before and after you deworm your cat.

Deworming isn’t the only circumstance where you should keep your cat separated. You should also confine your cat when they get spayed. Check out this article to see how long to keep cat confined after spay?

What Does Deworming a Cat Mean?

Deworming refers to the process of giving a cat medication in order to repel worms that have made their way inside your cat’s body. The main types of worms that are found in cats are whipworms, hookworms, tapeworms, ringworms, and roundworms. Out of these five, the two most frequently found in cats are roundworms and tapeworms.

While worms sometimes go unnoticed by cat owners, they can certainly have damaging effects on your cat’s health.

How to worm a cat?

The cheapest and easiest way to worm a cat is to buy deworming medicine from Amazon. If your cat has tapeworm, I recommend this Bayer Tapeworm Dewormer. These tablets can sometimes remove tapeworms in as little as 24 hours. If your cat has roundworms, I recommend Hartz UltraGuard Rid Worm. This medicine comes in the form of syrup which can easily be added to your cats water.

How to give cat worming tablet

Sometimes your cat will not want to eat the worming tablet, even if you try to sneak it into their food. I have found the best way to give my cat a worming tablet is to wrap it in a small piece of greasy bacon.

Symptoms of Worms in Cats

Some cats will certainly show visible symptoms if they become infested with worms. Common symptoms of worms in cats include: lethargy, weight loss, regurgitating, coughing, loose bowels, kidney problems, and sometimes even neurological defects.

In some cases, the intestinal worms can be spotted in the stool of a cat. This is common in tapeworm infestations.

Why Should You Deworm a Cat?

You should deworm your cat if you suspect they have been infested by worms. Deworming your cat can help slow down a parasitic infection and remove the majority of worms in your cat.

How Do Cats Get Worms?

Worms spread to cats in a variety of ways, including transmission from fleas, small rodents, and at birth from mother to kitten. Outdoor cats are much more at risk for getting infested with worms compared to indoor cats.

Final Words

Deworming a cat is a necessary measure for cat’s that are at risk for worms. It is important that you keep a close eye on your cat in order to detect any changes in behavior. The quicker you are able to detect the presence of worms in your cat, the greater the chance you can deworm your cat before there are any serious health implications. Check out this article to see how often should you deworm a cat?

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