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Pet Food Trends for 2020

Pet Food Trends for 2020

Since the millennials stepped up the pet-ownership game, new trends have changed how we take care of and perceive our furry friends. From pet aromatherapy to organic diets, owning a pet basically requires adopting a whole new lifestyle. 

When it comes to the newest pet food trends, in 2020 everyone is heading towards sustainability, smarter and healthier ingredient choices and tech-oriented options. Here are some of the hottest pet food trends to explore and maybe switch things up a bit for your furry companion.

different types of dog bones

It’s all about sustainability

Nowadays, sustainability plays a significant role in pet care. Plant-based diets are nothing to craze in the new decade. However, pet owners are becoming more inclined towards fruit, grains and alternative protein for their meat-eating friends like cats and dogs. What’s more, over-the-counter products like wet, semi-wet, and dry food options are being replaced by homemade or ready-to-order pet diets. Interestingly enough, consumers are ready to pay more and invest more time in pet food preparation, insisting on ingredient and nutrient-value transparency. Since online shopping basically overthrew the traditional pet food companies, smaller brands gained advantage due to their marketing, ever-improving products, and alternative options, such as low-sodium food, CBD ingredients, raw diets, etc.

Organic and self-grown

Finding organic and cost-effective solutions to the industrial food options is all the rage in 2020.

For example, a new trend for rabbit care has become foraging garden plants and wild nature. Foraging basically means finding fresh and organic herbs and plants that are safe for the rabbit to feed on. You can grow your garden of pet-friendly plants like mint, basil, rosemary, grass, broccoli, hazel, etc., or search in local meadows and grass areas you know are safe. As simple as it may sound, finding the right plants requires proper research about poisonous flowers, plants beneficial for the rabbit, and those that are not. Sometimes all-natural is not enough, so to find the best rabbit food for your bun, always consult with the vet first and work on an optimal diet plan.

The popular treats

Do a quick google search on DIY pet treats and you’ll quickly get overwhelmed by all the creative ideas out there. More than ever, our four-legged friends are munching on one-bite snacks, a whopping 8-10 times a day!

From pet cakes made from scratch to frozen fruit, there’s an array of recipes and videos on how to make quick and tasty pet snacks. 

Although still a controversial treatment option, CBD oil products and pet treats gained popularity for their soothing properties, like treating separation anxiety in dogs or chronic stress, inflammation, seizures and pain in other animals. Hemp dog treats are now easy to find or even make, in the form of baked goods, capsules, and tinctures. Not only are they health boosters, but most dogs find them delicious too.

dog laying down next to food bowl

Alternative protein for cats and dogs

Technological developments have come to environmentally friendly and cheaper ways of producing protein without ruining the environment and impacting animal welfare.

One of the experimental examples is insect protein. Being a fantastic source of good protein, insects have been spicing up cuisines worldwide for centuries now, so it was about time they found their role in the pet food industry. Larvae of insects are used to create protein-rich flour, which is then processed into the dog or cat kibble, treats, and other baked pet food.

Eggs are also rich in valuable protein but are less harmful to the environment than meat production. Many food companies opt for eggs to lower the amount of meat in their products. Although not a revolutionary discovery, this simple replacement can go a long way, mainly since most food allergies are triggered by meat ingredients like turkey, beef, or chicken.

Pet food delivery

It’s ever so logical that the next step in the pet food industry would include delivery. Although delivery services have been working with commercial food options for some time, freshly-made ordered pet food is yet to conquer the delivery world.

As pet parents find themselves too busy to devote to their pet’s food preparation, but still want the best quality for their furbabies, online food-prep services started to offer pre-planned diets with the ingredients and needs you wish to cover. Raw foods, organic only, treats, plant-based, meat-based, you name it! You can make a customized weekly or monthly diet plan, or create a one-time order to try it out—an excellent option for working pet owners.

Trends are always fun to try out and introduce them into the daily grind. That said, when it comes to your pet’s health and well-being, you can never be too cautious about the food choices you opt for. We advise you to do the research well or check with an expert about what is best and safe for your animal family member before making a rash decision.

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